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January 3, 2025
During transitions of power, it’s easy to fixate on a new administration’s nominees and legislative agenda while losing sight of those exiting the political stage. But as the new Congress begins today, we shouldn’t ignore the significant contributions of outgoing Senator Joe Manchin (I., W.Va.), a stalwart advocate of work over welfare dependency — even when…
June 17, 2024
The Child Support Enforcement (CSE) system is important in providing resources to children who live apart from one of their parents. This is especially true in poor households. In this paper, we summarize the case in favor of the current CSE system, and address some key critiques. We then consider some long-term issues of concern,…
April 17, 2024
The Wyden-Smith tax bill, which combines an expanded child tax credit (CTC) with a variety of business tax breaks, has been in limbo in the Senate for the past three months. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has promised to bring up the bill if there’s enough support, but so far, these votes have not been forthcoming…
January 26, 2024
Sometimes I don’t understand Republicans in the House of Representatives. When they are threatening government shutdowns, they make a great show of saying their highest priority is getting a handle on out-of-control federal spending, reducing the deficit, and bringing down our national debt. And yet, when an obvious opportunity falls in their lap to reduce…
December 14, 2023
As housing affordability concerns are affecting more and more Americans, market-oriented and liberal researchers have found common ground on the need for land-use reform. Join AEI and the Progressive Policy Institute as they develop a bipartisan housing playbook that can be deployed across cities and states, red and blue. Practitioners, legislators, and researchers from across…
November 14, 2023
Introduction “Given New York Today, Could Anyone Lead It?” So bemoaned a 1991 New York Times headline after decades of failure and futility.1 Crime was endemic, schools were failing, poverty was pervasive, and the economy had stagnated. From John Lindsay to David Dinkins, mayor after mayor had tried to tackle these problems. They had all…
November 9, 2023
This paper will be delivered at the Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management 2023 Fall Research Conference. Abstract The Child Support Enforcement (CSE) system has a broad scope and provides important resources to economically vulnerable children who live apart from one of their parents. Yet, it is subject to critique for intervening too much, too…
September 19, 2023
The House Budget Committee, headed by Chairman Jodey Arrington (R-TX), today released a draft budget proposal detailing the majority’s spending priorities and proposed changes across a range of government benefits and programs. Several policies would promote higher levels of work among welfare recipients, which is especially necessary while benefit rolls remain elevated despite plentiful job openings. According to recent research by our AEI colleague Angela Rachidi, less…
September 15, 2023
In 2022, New York City Mayor Eric Adams introduced measures to remedy the ongoing crisis of individuals with severe mental illnesses left untreated and unsheltered. Have his efforts been successful? Join AEI Senior Fellow Sally Satel, the Adams administration’s senior adviser on severe mental illness, a director of a Bronx-based homeless shelters network, and a…
May 30, 2023
The debt ceiling deal, agreed to by President Joe Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy, will improve the federal safety net’s effectiveness in helping people rise out of poverty. It modestly enhances work requirements to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), which is federal cash welfare, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), better known as…