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November 20, 2024

Eliminate Federal Lending to Graduate and Professional Students; Revenue to Fund Block Grants to States

Graduate student lending is out of control. Students are effectively borrowing without limit to pay for graduate and professional schools, many of which offer little or no return on their investment. The status quo is untenable for both students, who bear the risk of taking on unaffordable debts amid uncertainty about the future of forgiveness…

September 17, 2024

Back to School: Shedding Light on Risks and Harm in the Private Student Lending and Servicing Market

At present there are more than 1.74 trillion dollars in student loans outstanding in the US economy. This is a massive amount of money that represents serious liabilities for millions of borrowers across the United States who are grappling with the process of repayment. This massive amount of outstanding debt also represents a tremendous liability…

September 11, 2024

Doing Right by Kids: A Book Event

Event Summary On September 11, AEI’s Scott Winship gathered distinguished experts to launch the new edited volume Doing Right by Kids: Leveraging Social Capital and Innovation to Increase Opportunity, a call to increase opportunity and upward mobility for children from poor families. The first panel focused on the importance of place. Panelists discussed how to contextualize…

August 29, 2024

It’s Time for Radical Reform in Higher Education

There were many years when Republican and Democratic lawmakers weren’t too far apart on higher education policy. Their rhetoric reflected different priorities, but neither party really pushed for a radical departure from the status quo. Debate about reform was largely at the margins. But times have changed.  The Overton window on higher education has shifted…

August 1, 2024

Financing Graduate Education: Next Steps for Federal Policy

Key Points Read the full pdf.

June 27, 2024

New Legal Roadblocks for Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Crusade

Last fall President Biden announced his “Plan B” for student loan cancellation after the Supreme Court ruled his initial efforts unconstitutional. Plan B, named the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan, was an attempt to eliminate the burden of student loans by lessening how much borrowers needed to repay.  But this wasn’t in the spirit of…

May 29, 2024

Holding out Hope for a Left-Right Consensus on Federal Student Lending

For as long as we can remember, Republicans and Democrats have been talking past one another when it comes to federal student loan policy. Both sides of the aisle want students from all backgrounds to have access to a valuable and high quality education, but where progressives prioritize federal support, conservatives call for reining in…

May 9, 2024

FAFSA Flop: What Is Going On with the 2024–25 Cycle?

Event Summary On May 9, AEI hosted a panel conversation with AEI’s Beth Akers and Michael Brickman, Karen McCarthy of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, and Mark Kantrowitz. As experts in higher education and finance, the group discussed why the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) needed to be simplified, the…

May 9, 2024

The Federal Student Loan Program Is Unraveling

The Biden administration recently announced its most ambitious attempt yet at student debt forgiveness. Taken together with the series of initiatives the administration has already pushed forward, the new plans promise to reduce or eliminate student debt for more than 30 million borrowers. Unfortunately, the debt-cancellation campaign fails to address the underlying problems with student lending — and such efforts at mass forgiveness only…

May 1, 2024

Getting Higher Education Right

Higher education has a vital role to play when it comes to safeguarding the store of human knowledge, promoting scientific inquiry, and teaching wisdom to the next generation of civic and community leaders. But rising costs, bureaucratic bloat, double standards, and campus sloth have come to plague America’s colleges and erode Americans’ faith in them….