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January 29, 2024

Let’s Not Turn the Child Tax Credit Into Welfare

…the maximum per-child benefit would be pegged to inflation, allowing it to rise above $2,000 in future years. A heated debate over these changes has quickly emerged. Democrats have emphasized…

January 19, 2024

The Work Incentive and Employment Effects of Eliminating the Child Tax Credit’s Annual Income Requirement

…Tax Credit’s annual income requirement by allowing individuals to calculate their eligibility using their current or prior year’s income, whichever year maximizes the family’s benefit. We show that for the…

January 18, 2024

Evidence Mounts That Pre-K Harms Kids

You know you’re making progress in an education policy debate when education professors and journalists start printing what used to be a conservative counter-argument as an unfortunate and perplexing fact….

January 12, 2024

Congress Shouldn’t Expand Welfare in Return for Corporate Tax Cuts

maximum benefit. Adopting the 2021 maximum credit amounts of up to $3,600 would cost upwards of $80 billion per year. Modest reforms to the Child Tax Credit that support working families could…

December 11, 2023

Has Inequality Made Americans Poorer than Bulgarians, Russians, and Filipinos?

…and with 2 to 6 percent in Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Iceland, Sweden, Germany, Japan, Denmark, and Switzerland. In fact, of the full list of 29 countries with data in the…

December 8, 2023

A Framework for Reforming Federal Graduate Student Aid Policy

…with debt that exceeds one fifth of their discretionary income—the level research shows is unaffordable. Federal policy is not currently designed to maximize positive outcomes or minimize harms to borrowers….

December 4, 2023

A Pro-Market and Pro-Social Economy

…point that even the Nordic states, like that bastion of survival-of-the-fittest capitalism, Sweden, exhibit little patience with failing industries and actively seek to weed out low performing firms that would otherwise hinder growth. The Swedes just…

December 1, 2023

Red States Can Lead the Way on Marriage and Fatherhood

…encouraging all dads — resident and nonresident — to do a good job with their kids while also promoting the institution that maximizes the odds that men will live with…

November 14, 2023

Did Child Poverty Really Increase Last Year?

In 2021, Democrats succeeded in temporarily expanding the child tax credit (CTC) as part of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan. Previously, the maximum CTC of $2,000 per child was available only…

October 31, 2023

Lawmakers Continue Trying to Revive Pandemic-Style Benefits

…unemployed. Except during the Great Recession and the pandemic, states have always contributed 50 percent to EB costs. The proposal would increase EB benefits from a current maximum of 20…