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December 1, 2023

Making the Child Tax Credit “Fully Refundable” Converts It into Welfare Checks

…that paying adults the same benefit whether they work or not will result in fewer adults working. That’s what Kevin Corinth, Bruce Meyer, and their colleagues found would result from 2021’s CTC…

November 14, 2023

Did Child Poverty Really Increase Last Year?

…CTC expansion who argue that its expiration has increased hardship sharply, requiring that it be reenacted—this time permanently. However, a new report from Jeehoon Han, Bruce Meyer, and Jim Sullivan indicates that…

November 3, 2023

A Postcard from Ashkelon

…In Milwaukee, her counterpart as chapter president was one Golda Meyerson, later Golda Meier, who once slept at her house. The postcard came from a place very much on the…

October 25, 2023

The Freedom to Choose

When appraising American social cleavages, we should avoid lapsing into two unfortunate trends in conservative thinking: despair and polarization. In “Conservatism and Class,” Bruce Frohnen argues that conservatives should embrace class analysis albeit in…

October 24, 2023

Testimony: Hearing on Measuring Poverty

Chairman Smith, Subcommittee Chairman LaHood, Ranking Member Davis, and distinguished members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to testify. I am Bruce Meyer, McCormick Foundation Professor at the…

October 17, 2023

Understanding Poverty Measurement

…spoke about the supplemental poverty measure, describing its shortcomings and the political machinations around this measure. Bruce Meyer followed with an exploration of the future of poverty measurement, highlighting the…

September 12, 2023

Measuring Poverty: The New Census Estimates and the Future of Poverty Measurement

…Fellow, AEI 12:45 p.m. Presentation 2: Using Administrative Data and Consumption Data to Improve Poverty Measurement Presenter: Bruce D. Meyer, Nonresident Senior Fellow, AEI 1:00 p.m. Panel II: The Path Forward…

August 9, 2023

The CTC Work Incentive Works

…CTC’s work incentive. Research from our AEI colleagues Kevin Corinth and Bruce Meyer found that removing the credit’s phase in permanently could have caused up to 1.5 million workers to leave…

August 3, 2023

Philanthropists Discover the Value of “Sunsetting”

…allowing them to have a larger impact in a shorter time. Adam Meyerson, who was head of the Philanthropy Roundtable for almost 20 years, notes that a sunset clause “helps…

July 25, 2023

Not Just Tulsa

…were doing blacks a favor by including them in these programs. Many then viewed public housing as desirable quarters. As Edward Banfield and Martin Meyerson wrote in their landmark book…