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Measuring Poverty: The New Census Estimates and the Future of Poverty Measurement

American Enterprise Institute

September 12, 2023

Join AEI’s Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility for the release of the Census Bureau’s 2022 income and poverty estimates. AEI’s poverty experts will break down the numbers and discuss what they mean for the United States’ economic well-being. Then, they will discuss the state of poverty measurement and how it can be improved in the future.

Submit questions to [email protected] or on Twitter with #Poverty@AEI.

If you are unable to attend, we welcome you to watch the event live on this page. After the event concludes, a full video will be posted within 24 hours.


11:30 a.m.
Kevin Corinth, Deputy Director, Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility, AEI

11:35 a.m.
Panel I: A Discussion of the New Census Income and Poverty Estimates for 2022

Angela Rachidi, Rowe Scholar, AEI
Matt Weidinger, Rowe Scholar, AEI
Scott Winship, Director, Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility, AEI

Kevin Corinth, Deputy Director, Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility, AEI

12:00 p.m.

12:15 p.m.

12:30 p.m.
Presentation 1:
The History of Poverty Measurement
Presenter: Richard Burkhauser, Nonresident Senior Fellow, AEI

12:45 p.m.
Presentation 2:
Using Administrative Data and Consumption Data to Improve Poverty Measurement
Presenter: Bruce D. Meyer, Nonresident Senior Fellow, AEI

1:00 p.m.
Panel II: The Path Forward for Poverty Measurement
Richard Burkhauser, Nonresident Senior Fellow, AEI
Kevin Corinth, Deputy Director, Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility, AEI
Bruce D. Meyer, Nonresident Senior Fellow, AEI

Scott Winship, Director, Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility, AEI

1:30 p.m.

1:45 p.m.

A New National Academies Report on Poverty Is Marred by Ideological Group-Think
Scott Winship | American Enterprise Institute | April 5, 2023

Addressing the Shortcomings of the Supplemental Poverty Measure
Richard Burkhauser et al. | American Enterprise Institute | July 2, 2021

Evaluating the Success of President Johnson’s War on Poverty: Revisiting the Historical Record Using a Full-income Poverty Measure
Richard Burkhauser et al. | AEI Economic Policy Working Paper Series | December 9, 2019