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July 12, 2023

Local News and Social Capital

Joseph Schumpeter famously observed that capitalism unleashed “creative destruction.”[i] If that is so for American journalism, just such a wave has, without doubt, been destroying local newspapers. What’s not yet clear…

July 8, 2023

Why the End of Affirmative Action Is Good for Black Science Students

…law professor Richard Sander found that after racial preferences were banned, there was a 55% increase in the number of black and Hispanic freshmen who graduated in four years from…

June 16, 2023

Marriage Is Still the Best Way to Bond a Father to His Children

…that has dominated secondary education, but frankly has not served our nation well, which is another recommendation from Richard’s book. Therefore, we have several areas of agreement. Richard and I…

May 26, 2023

The Power of the Success Sequence

…though racial gaps in achieving middle class status still exist after following the success sequence, as Richard Reeves observed in cross-sectional data, the vast majority of black and Hispanic young…

May 5, 2023

Wrong Diagnosis, Wrong Prescription

…the poor receive much more from government than they put in. Desmond’s final explanation for poverty is that affluent people hoard opportunity, echoing the arguments popularized by Richard Reeves’s book, Dream…

April 25, 2023

A Debate on Fatherhood

Richard Reeves and Ian Rowe debate the question, “Does strengthening fatherhood depend upon renewing marriage in America?” In his recent book, Of Boys and Men, Brookings Senior Fellow Richard Reeves…

April 18, 2023

Introduction to The Social Breakdown

Richard John Neuhaus, Robert Nisbet, Michael Novak, William Schambra, and Robert Woodson, the project produced the landmark brief To Empower People: From State to Civil Society, which highlighted the importance of…

April 1, 2023

Minimum Wages and Poverty: New Evidence from Dynamic Difference-in-Differences Estimates

Advocates of minimum wage increases have long touted their potential to reduce poverty. This study assesses this claim. Using data spanning nearly four decades from the March Current Population Survey,…

March 2, 2023

The Lost World of Ecumenical Republicanism

As improbable as it may sound, one of the more interesting books on the market right now is a policy memoir largely about the rise and fall of Richard Nixon’s…

February 14, 2023

Brave New Technology

…more people trained in the skills needed to deliver care might help backstop American society against the fear, despair, and turmoil that comes with socioeconomic transition. As Richard Reeves, a…