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July 24, 2024

Housing and the American Worker

As the American Worker Project analysis shows, real wages have increased over time. Real wages are nominal wages corrected for changes in the price level, and a natural approach to understanding the…

July 23, 2024

How the 2017 Tax Law Made Itemized Charitable Giving a Luxury Good

…itemized deduction for charitable contributions. At the same time, by nearly doubling the standard deduction, it sharply increased the percentage of tax-filing households choosing not to itemize deductions. This report…

July 11, 2024

Exploring Trends in Food Bank Use

…they note is part of the “agency’s Experimental Data Series..[and] may not meet some of the Census Bureau’s statistical quality standards.” [2] Note that statistics from the FSS reflect the…

June 26, 2024

Reducing Racial Disparities in Foster Care Might Endanger Black Children

…suffer? Now Minnesota is dispensing with blunt instruments. Last month, the governor signed a law to codify different standards for the investigation, substantiation and removal processes for disparately affected populations —…

June 18, 2024

A Unified Theory of Education

…create new ones. Whether old or new, though, there are certain characteristics that good institutions share. First, they are personal. The past century has featured ambitious attempts to standardize American…

June 18, 2024

Economic Opportunity and Social Mobility

…people’s income relative to that of their parents in two ways. The first measures an individual’s and his parents’ standard of living. This kind of mobility is known as “absolute…

June 18, 2024

Donald Trump is an Outlier on the Right: When It Comes to Fidelity and Marriage, Democrats Face Bigger Problems

…the Republican standard bearer’s marital misbehavior eroded our collective commitment to the values and virtues that sustain the institution of marriage? On the left, journalist Matt Yglesias wondered if Trump’s bad example…

June 15, 2024

Reimagining Early Education

…has burdened providers and early childhood educators with a thicket of regulations. Compliance with many of these rules and standards drives up costs and empowers interest groups without doing much…

June 13, 2024

A Deal to Trump Student Loans

…For a long time, the Republican stance on student loans was to “increase them just like the Democrats want, except a little bit less than the Democrats want.” We can’t…

June 6, 2024

How New Graduates Can Thrive in a Workplace Dominated by AI

…ahead. From the standpoint of jobs and careers, AI is the biggest unknown. Right now, the impact of AI is like a rumor: something big but undefined is coming and…