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August 9, 2023

The CTC Work Incentive Works

…returned to its pre-pandemic form, phasing-in at 15 percent of earnings beyond $2,500, up to a maximum of $1,600 in a refundable CTC per child and a non-refundable $2,000 per…

August 7, 2023

The Right Way to Fix Public Broadcasting

…tried to end CPB funding — and the system, still citing Big Bird (which has flown to HBO Max), rallied bipartisan support. Conservatives are not wrong to seek to correct the…

August 3, 2023

Another Pandemic Legacy: Removing the EITC’s Work and Earnings Requirement

…unemployment benefits, food stamps, and even disability and other benefits paid in lieu of working to rise as families seek to maximize their benefit income when they lack earnings—but are…

August 3, 2023

Expanding Economic Opportunities Through Evidence-Based Sector Training

…inequalities and improving employment outcomes more effectively. Responding to Hendra, Schaberg, and Orrell, the second report—Scaling Year Up to Maximize Access and Impact by Garrett A. R. Yursza Warfield—discusses Year Up,…

July 31, 2023

The Utah Model: Workforce Programs and Services Integration Tool Kit

…in the labor market. Utah’s integrated model for workforce and social assistance—the Utah Department of Workforce Services—provides a “playbook” for building state-of-the-art service delivery that maximizes use of taxpayer dollars…

July 25, 2023

Why Is Economic Growth Good?

…Subways and 757s. Quarterbacks and physical therapists. Software developers and YouTube influencers. Paperbacks and IMAX. Longer life expectancy and higher literacy. Less poverty and pain. Water desalination plants and asteroid…

July 17, 2023

Testimony: The Child Tax Credit: 25 Years Later

…the credit as a transfer payment. Eligible families can receive a refundable credit of 15 percent of earnings above $2,500 per year, up to a maximum $1,500 per child in…

July 10, 2023

Reforming the EITC to Reduce Single Parenthood and Ease Work-Family Balance

…would follow the current-policy schedule for a married couple with three or more children, even for parents who only have one or two children, up to the maximum EITC amount…

July 7, 2023

The 21st Century Decline of Economic Freedom

…the gains from economic freedom—has been left on the table: Long-run gains in economic freedom have been achieved over the last 170 years, amounting to three-fifths of the potential maximum,…

June 30, 2023

Democrats Call Biden’s Economy “Savage” in Attempt to Revive Child Tax Credit

…for child tax credit payments and others who worked and earned too little to owe federal income taxes collected less than the maximum benefit. That’s why Democrats’ $1.9 trillion American…