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October 5, 2023
…outfit to portray the American economy as in dire need of “rebuilding.” The report summarizing the findings is titled, “Labor Market Not Yet Working for Workers.” Like American Compass’s previous…
October 5, 2023
…I education grants; Special Education Grants; the Individuals with Disabilities Act; the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children; the Community Development Block Grant; and the New Markets…
October 4, 2023
…key element of a healthy housing market, however, and one long overlooked in Gotham. New York needs not just more housing if it is to attract and retain newcomers; it…
October 2, 2023
Shopping for college can be a nightmare. As the market for consumer products has gotten easier, more transparent, and faster than ever before (read: Amazon), the market for college degrees…
September 29, 2023
…miss the mark. The “deaths of despair” narrative is so embedded in our public discourse that rural America has, mostly in our imaginations, been transformed into a dystopia. But in the words of one of…
September 28, 2023
…violators at high-profile intersections — the squeegee guys gradually disappeared. The NYPD today has a much stronger hand to play in bringing order to the cannabis market — which the state…
September 25, 2023
…2015, the country was already two and a half years into a seller’s market — generally defined as a market with less than a six-month supply of homes for sale…
September 18, 2023
…labor market made it more attractive to move directly into the workforce instead of spending thousands and incurring debt to earn a degree. Mr. Gee highlighted these factors, along with…
September 18, 2023
…of light-touch density (LTD) housing, allowing the market to build more affordable housing options for more Americans. The reason this is the solution to our housing crisis is simple: It…
September 18, 2023
…interested in the details, and there is less pressure on institutions of higher learning to perform. Discipline from the market can keep value high and prices low, ensuring that public…