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January 2, 2024

Billionaire-Built Cities Would Be Better Than Nothing

…the high-water mark of racial segregation, a private developer named James Rouse planned an integrated city in nearby Columbia, Md. Columbia is not perfect, but it remains racially diverse, and according to data…

December 31, 2023

Forget Eric Adams’ Flawed Housing Plan — Let’s Make ALL NYC Neighborhoods “High-Opportunity”

…even worse than many of its predecessors. The so-called Mixed-Income Market Initiative will be more directly costly than tax breaks the city has used to subsidized construction of income-restricted “affordable…

December 21, 2023

Our Policies to Address Homelessness Are Failing

…For example, the low-income-housing tax credit does little to increase the supply of housing and ultimately pads the pockets of developers rather than reduce market rents. Housing-choice vouchers unfairly provide…

December 19, 2023

Sins of Omission: Public Broadcasting Fails to Reach a Broad Cross-Section of America

…are predicated on the idea of some “market failure” — a desirable good or service is not being provided privately. A good case can be made, in fact, that, notwithstanding…

December 18, 2023

No Excuses Now for NYCHA

…billions since, unlike NYCHA, it can borrow through the bond market. The Trust can also draw on so-called “federal housing super-vouchers” as an enhanced revenue stream, which will make a…

December 18, 2023

The State of Democratic Capitalism: 2023

…United States. In the case of protectionism and industrial policy, it marks a willingness by leaders of both political parties to intervene in the market in order to advance political…

December 15, 2023

What Athletes Take off the Field

…conclude that the non-academic human capital developed through athletics––skills like teamwork, resilience, and leadership– has significant labor market value. The implications of these findings extend far beyond Ivy League tennis…

December 14, 2023

Perspective: What Flexibility Means for Younger Workers — and Their Employers

…skills. Flexibility is the workforce watchword. But flexibility in the labor market also has implications for employers. A recent American Enterprise Institute survey of workers found flexibility in working conditions to be a top concern for just about…

December 14, 2023

Harnessing Tailwinds on State and Local Land-Use Reform: A Bipartisan Playbook

As housing affordability concerns are affecting more and more Americans, market-oriented and liberal researchers have found common ground on the need for land-use reform. Join AEI and the Progressive Policy…

December 14, 2023

The Myth of the 1%

…and philosophical underpinnings of this obsession with the top 1% are far from sound. In a market economy, income is earned, not distributed. And in a democracy, inequality is acceptable…