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February 20, 2024

The New Right’s Attack on Markets Is as Ignorant as the Old Left’s

market orthodoxy. The downsides, he says, are both real and grave. He acknowledges that free-market advocates have often oversold their case, making predictions—about growth, peace, and China—that have either not…

February 20, 2024

Planning a Career in the Age of AI

…top of the “critical skills” list while proficiency in STEM and basic computer and software skills have dropped to the bottom. That’s an important market signal. We should pay attention…

February 16, 2024

The Overlooked Benefits of Work-from-Home Opportunities

…mothers relative to other women, with significant narrowing of employment gaps in traditionally less family-friendly fields such as finance and marketing. Notably, an analogous effect was not found for men….

February 15, 2024

Sacred Sex

…temptations. Religious married men are markedly less likely to use pornography than their secular peers, according to the 2022 State of Our Unions Survey. Only 35 percent of religious husbands have…

February 15, 2024

Harvard (Mis)Leading Housing Study

…(2015). It’s a finding that seems to point to what subsidized housing advocates have believed since the Depression: that the private market inevitably fails the poor. The report itself included…

February 14, 2024

Valentine’s Day Marred By Loneliness Crisis

…to say about marriage and childbearing, even though there is no group of Americans less lonely than married parents.  As we mark this romantic day, more young and middle-aged single…

February 14, 2024

Why You Should Get Married

marketing in her twenties over finding the one, and is now in her mid-thirties and regretting that strategy. If she could go back in time, she told me, “I would…

February 13, 2024

The Awfulness of Elite Hypocrisy on Marriage

…by the notion that family diversity—the idea that all family forms are equally valid and valuable for kids—is a mark of moral progress in society. The phenomenon of people in…

February 12, 2024

Millennials Are Doing Better than You Probably Think

…previous one. To do this, Corinth and Larrimore create a measure of income that includes market income but also accounts for taxes and resources gained from government benefit programs. They…

February 9, 2024

Don’t Buy the Soulmate Myth

…shows and books, from the latest offerings on the Hallmark Channel to Elizabeth Gilbert’s mega-bestseller, “Eat, Pray, Love.” This model is based on the idea of finding a “soulmate”—that special…