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March 8, 2024
…seller’s market) as it is today, particularly for starter homes. As economics 101 dictates, when demand exceeds supply, the result is inevitably higher prices. The President’s State of the Union…
March 6, 2024
…access to higher education and reaped the benefits in terms of higher GDP and living standards. Education, then, feeds human capital development, the complex mix of education, skills, and social connection on which free markets depend for growth. To…
March 6, 2024
…should also be required to benchmark employee benefits, overhead, and administrative ranks against private sector norms, with student eligibility for federal loans contingent on acceptable performance. Moreover, institutions whose students…
March 4, 2024
…to a relatively low level. Geoff Bennett:As a congressional staffer, Weidinger helped draft the landmark welfare reform law in the 1990s. The legislation followed years of anti-welfare sentiment driven by…
February 29, 2024
…of $191 billion and the staggering $400 billion calculated by private experts. That catastrophe goes unmentioned in last week’s DOL guidance, which marks at least the third time since pandemic benefits ended that DOL…
February 29, 2024
…of labor market impacts have increasingly emphasized AI’s potential to automate tasks that require skills—including creativity, writing, and social and emotional learning—previously believed to be beyond the technology’s reach. In…
February 27, 2024
…raising children. But H.R. 7024’s child tax credit provisions provide 91 percent of the benefits to families with no income tax liability, belying the “tax relief” marketing proponents often claim….
February 23, 2024
…The full answer isn’t found by focusing on the “either” or the “or” but to look at both. While parents and students need to keep one eye on the market,…
February 22, 2024
…Credit (MIHTC). In response, the AEI Housing Center gathered leading housing experts to discuss the LIHTC’s poor record and propose more effective market solutions. In the first panel, AEI’s Kevin…
February 22, 2024
Growing second-thoughts on bachelors’ degrees and labor market pressures have caused employers to move toward more inclusive recruitment practices through “skills-based hiring.” This approach prioritizes the specific abilities and competencies…