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June 15, 2023
Introduction Chairman Wyden, Ranking Member Crapo, and distinguished members of Committee, thank you for the opportunity to testify. My name is Bruce D. Meyer, and I am the McCormick Foundation…
May 26, 2023
Abstract Fundamental questions about the size and characteristics of the homeless population are unresolved because it is unclear whether existing data are sufficiently complete and reliable. We examine these questions…
May 4, 2023
…work requirements, and evidence showed that it would discourage work. In a landmark working paper, AEI’s Bruce Meyer, Kevin Corinth, and their co-authors estimated that it would cause as many as 1.5…
February 1, 2023
Whether poverty has risen or fallen over time is a key barometer of societal progress. Between 1970 and 2020, the official poverty rate in the United States fell by just 1.2…
January 3, 2023
…is never over. Rather, systemic-disadvantage analysis is an effort to reframe our policy debate to focus on poverty as it exists today, not 50 or 60 years ago. AEI’s Bruce…
July 2, 2021
Key Points The Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) partly improves on the Official Poverty Measure but still suffers from several shortcomings that limit its usefulness as an effective poverty measure. The…