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June 7, 2023
…CarynAI isn’t the first attempt at providing people with companionship through an AI chatbot. Replika, another AI-chatbot friend marketed to people who are “lonely, depressed, or have few social connections”…
May 31, 2023
…that would provide city funds to pay rent on apartments of their own. Removal of this requirement shows a fundamental naivete: in a housing market constrained by regulations on rent…
May 26, 2023
…face of disadvantages—are much more likely to forge a path to a better life. In fact, young adults from disadvantaged circumstances who follow the sequence are markedly more likely to…
May 23, 2023
…followed by marked increases in work and earnings and sharp declines in poverty and benefit dependence. Writing about the impact of welfare reform in 2008, liberal poverty expert Robert Moffitt wrote: “The findings on employment and…
May 23, 2023
…vouchers to enter the labor market has positive effects, including upward mobility. “Public and other assisted housing” is not a minor program. Housing vouchers are the largest item in the…
May 23, 2023
…breaking into the housing market can get a shot. This approach has backfired. The last great credit expansion, done with the goal of expanding homeownership in the runup to the…
May 19, 2023
This week, the House Appropriations Committee marked up a spending bill for the US Department of Agriculture and related agencies, which includes many of the nation’s largest safety net and nutrition programs—most…
May 17, 2023
…workers. Some economists have linked immigration to substantial declines in the male labor market participation rate – men either working or actively seeking work. The rate among men 18-to-64 years…
May 12, 2023
…market we now see with cannabis when it comes to cigarettes. Recall that Eric Garner tussled with cops on Staten Island who sought to arrest him for selling individual “loosie”…
May 5, 2023
…private market for housing. He scorns the earned income tax credit, which, he suggests—contrary to a large body of evidence—has not reduced poverty since its rollout and expansion. The lack…