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May 31, 2023

Ending the Small Checks Scam

It’s no secret that strengthening work requirements for key welfare benefits has been a flashpoint in the debt limit negotiations. House Republicans, led by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), insisted on including stronger…

May 30, 2023

Two Sentences Will Strengthen SNAP’s Support for Work

…Changing the purpose language for SNAP is an important first step. It signals to state and local administrators that employment matters, and that if they were to give it more attention,…

May 26, 2023

The Power of the Success Sequence

…disadvantages make it more difficult to follow the three steps of the sequence. But that is also why it matters: Young adults who manage to follow the sequence—even in the…

May 23, 2023

Will Biden Cross a Line on Poverty?

A new report from the National Academy of Sciences seeks to redefine poverty. The NAS presents the effort as a matter of science: “An accurate measure of poverty is necessary to fully…

May 23, 2023

The White House Defender of Welfare Work Requirements

If someone asked you to name a US President who also was a longtime defender of work requirements for welfare benefits, whom might you guess? Ronald Reagan? Donald Trump? George…

May 23, 2023

An Unexpected Role for AI in the Workplace

WHEN MICHAEL POLANYI, the underappreciated twentieth-century physicist, philosopher, and economist, is remembered nowadays, it is most often for having observed that much of human knowledge, in both practical and abstract matters, is…

May 17, 2023

Is President Biden About to Triangulate Democrats on Welfare Work Requirements?

On Sunday, President Joe Biden signaled his openness to expanding work requirements for key welfare benefits as part of the debt limit deal he is currently negotiating with Congress. Of…

May 11, 2023

The House Acts to Recover More Pandemic Unemployment Fraud

FacebookTwitterLinkedIn This week, the House is considering Republican-authored legislation (H.R. 1163, the Protecting Taxpayers and Victims of Unemployment Fraud Act) designed to promote more recovery of fraudulent unemployment checks paid during the pandemic,…

May 10, 2023

AI Tutoring Has a Lot to Offer. But so Does Human Mentoring.

…of adults about an array of jobs. As Julia Freeland Fisher has put it, “Whom you know matters and what you know matters, but especially powerful is who knows you know…

May 6, 2023

SNAP Needs a Healthy Overhaul

…is that SNAP recipients have especially unhealthy diets , with large shares of benefits spent on sweetened beverages and ultra-processed foods. Making matters worse, the fastest-growing group of SNAP recipients over the…