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July 19, 2023

Americans Aren’t Buying Bidenomics—Because They’ve Heard the Lies Before

President Joe Biden is desperately trying to sell Americans on Bidenomics, but they’re not buying it. Recent polls show only 39% of US adults approve of Biden’s economic leadership, and a majority…

July 18, 2023

Yet More Absurdities in Biden’s Housing Policy

…make matters worse, as long as funds remain, a borrower may claim this payment supplement every five years, which means that it could be re-upped just when the prior supplement…

July 17, 2023

The Latest Extraordinary Findings on Pandemic Improper Payments

A recently released US Government Accountability Office (GAO) report benignly titled “A Framework for Managing Improper Payments in Emergency Assistance Programs” serves as a forward-looking guide for policymakers responding to future emergencies….

July 17, 2023

Biden Tries to Revive His Eviction Moratorium Through the Back Door

…of landlord–tenant relations — like housing and building-code enforcement — has historically been a matter for localities, the units of government by far the closest to housing markets. Cities and…

July 12, 2023

Employment in SNAP: Setting the Record Straight

…non-recipients report receiving it. This misreporting should give researchers caution when presenting the results of any analysis that relies on Census data alone.  To make matters worse, researchers often misrepresent…

July 12, 2023

Local News and Social Capital

…is whether such destruction will be complemented by creation. The result matters not just as it affects a select group of business enterprises. Arguably, local journalism profoundly affects “social capital”—the…

July 12, 2023

New York Rent Control: Could the End be Near?

…heart of the arguments for such a review lies the matter of property rights. In contrast to private property owners, owners of rent-stabilized properties do not control renter selection —…

July 8, 2023

Why the End of Affirmative Action Is Good for Black Science Students

…business and other liberal arts majors, the prestige of the school has a major impact on future earnings expectations.  But for [STEM] it largely doesn’t matter whether students go to…

July 7, 2023

With Affirmative Action Gone, We Should Focus Admissions Policies on Poverty

…Antonin Scalia’s analysis of the “Lemon test” that used to govern religious freedom jurisprudence, race-conscious policies are like a character in a horror movie: no matter how many times courts (and voters)…

June 30, 2023

Democrats Call Biden’s Economy “Savage” in Attempt to Revive Child Tax Credit

With unemployment near record lows and President Joe Biden running for reelection, some Democrats recently offered an unexpected take on the U.S. economy: It stinks, especially for low-income families. During a…