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January 2, 2024
…the high-water mark of racial segregation, a private developer named James Rouse planned an integrated city in nearby Columbia, Md. Columbia is not perfect, but it remains racially diverse, and according to data…
December 8, 2023
The Biden administration has abolished the federal student-loan program, at least if a “student-loan program” is one in which students borrow money and then eventually repay it. What’s being erected…
November 30, 2023
Abstract We evaluate progress in the War on Poverty as President Lyndon B. Johnson defined it, which established a 20% baseline poverty rate and adopted an absolute standard. While the…
November 30, 2023
…an Absolute Full-Income Poverty Measure” by Richard V. Burkhauser (Cornell University), Kevin Corinth (University of Chicago), James Elwell (Joint Committee on Taxation), and Jeff Larrimore (Federal Reserve Board). They try…
November 30, 2023
Abstract We evaluate progress in the War on Poverty as President Lyndon B. Johnson defined it, which established a 20% baseline poverty rate and adopted an absolute standard. While the…
October 31, 2023
…matter. Furthermore, somewhat undermining her case, Kearney notes that research by Nobel laureate James Heckman has found that Denmark’s more expansive welfare state does not appear to translate into higher…
October 27, 2023
…from medicine to nuclear power. The recent book by the Reaganite economic writer Jim Pethokoukis, “The Conservative Futurist,” makes an extended version of this argument, tracing our era of stagnation…
September 21, 2023
…and the educational, social, and economic welfare of America’s children. For instance, a new report from the Institute for Family Studies by Wendy Wang, Spencer James, Thomas Murray, and me shows that the…
September 20, 2023
…Freedom Fellow at the Institute for Family Studies. Wendy Wang is the director of research at the Institute for Family Studies. Spencer James is associate professor of family life at…
September 18, 2023
Gordon Gee thinks higher education is at a “crossroads.” If it takes the wrong turn, it will head over a demographic and financial cliff. To save West Virginia University, of which…