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June 20, 2024

The War on Poverty at 60: Lessons to Inform the Future

…Fellow, Center for Health and Welfare Policy, Heritage Foundation Isabel V. Sawhill, Senior Fellow Emeritus, Center for Economic Security and Opportunity, Brookings Institution Moderator: Matt Weidinger, Rowe Scholar, American Enterprise…

June 18, 2024

A Unified Theory of Education

…education. In the early 1900s, progressives sought to bureaucratize K-12 into what historian David Tyack termed “the one best system.” In the 1920s, Oregon progressives (along with the anti-Catholic Ku…

June 18, 2024

Economic Opportunity and Social Mobility

…the one before it, that doesn’t seem to be the case. As they approach and pass age 40, Millennial men and women have higher median hourly wages than any previous…

June 17, 2024

Child Support Policy: Areas of Emerging Agreement and Ongoing Debate

The Child Support Enforcement (CSE) system is important in providing resources to children who live apart from one of their parents. This is especially true in poor households. In this…

May 24, 2024

The First National Calculation of Mortality of the US Homeless Population

…2023. West Coast cities have witnessed an especially sharp and concentrated increase in unsheltered homelessness, leading some observers to liken the current situation to a public health and humanitarian crisis….

May 16, 2024

Critiquing Bastian (2022, 2023, 2024, and forthcoming):On Child Tax Credit Reform and the Sensitivity of Single Mothers to Work Incentives

Abstract In 2021, Congress passed and President Biden signed a major, but temporary, reform to the Child Tax Credit (CTC). Among other reforms to the credit, the American Rescue Plan…

May 14, 2024

Understanding Trends in Worker Pay over the Past 50 years

…the median worker has slowed, causing growth in the pay of the median worker to slow. The slowdown in median pay also reflects the particularly slow growth in pay among…

April 18, 2024

The Real Story Behind Food Insecurity in the US

…Christian Gregory recently found that most food insecure individuals “consume enough (or even too many) calories.” And research by Craig Gundersen and David Ribar found that most of those who spend the least on…

April 8, 2024

The $1,000 Tax Hike on Middle-Class Families

…barely keeping up with inflation, who are raising three kids on $75,000 per year (the median U.S. household income), will be asked to kick in almost $1,000 more to the federal government…

March 27, 2024

Perspectives on Place-Based Policy: Strategies for Workforce and Economic Development

Opportunity varies by place in the US, with the lowest levels of opportunity in states in the former Confederacy and American Indian reservations. Rural America faces unique challenges in relative…