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September 12, 2023

Please, Gen Z Aren’t “Doomed to be the First Generation of Americans Who Will Grow Up with a Lower Standard of Living Than Their Parents”

…the 19th-century British historian and politician, Thomas Babington Macaulay: “On what principle is it that with nothing but improvement behind us, we are to expect nothing but deterioration before us?”…

September 1, 2023

Despite Staggering Improper Payments, New Labor Department Report Calls for Reviving Pandemic Unemployment Assistance

…massive numbers. In May 2020, the Secret Service issued an alert about “large-scale fraud” targeting multiple states. Washington officials reported “a Nigerian fraud ring” made off with hundreds of millions of dollars. Maine joined…

August 29, 2023

Skate Parks: Appreciating Another Third Place

…irrelevant . . . [and are] egalitarian and inclusive.” Girls and women, like my daughter, are a significantly growing proportion of the community. The marketplace clearly wants spaces and parks for…

August 1, 2023

How the Middle Class Is Faring: My Long-Read Q&A with Jeremy Horpedahl

…a family of four, or a family plan, which is something a little over $20,000. But that’s not how the median family buys their health insurance. The median family is…

July 12, 2023

Local News and Social Capital

…models have emerged. These include for-profit sites and papers such as the Appalachian News-Express, which relies on not only advertising but other revenue sources, including real estate rentals, and print operations…

July 7, 2023

The 21st Century Decline of Economic Freedom

…the new analysis, “Economic freedom, 1850–2020: New evidence” by economic historian Leandro Prados de la Escosura. There are two important things to note about that chart. First is the definition…

July 6, 2023

The End of Affirmative Action Calls for a Renewed Conservatism of Opportunity

…It also did little to help those African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans (not to mention whites and Asian Americans) who failed to complete high school or graduated unprepared for…

June 15, 2023

Instead of ‘Late Capitalism,’ Maybe the US Economy Is Still in ‘Early Capitalism’

…LC, at least as it applies to the American economy. This is a big one: According to calculations by AEI economist Michael Strain, real median wages grew by 34 percent from 1990…

June 7, 2023

How ‘Negativity Bias’ Skews the Conversation About Artificial Intelligence

…pain exacts a higher toll than pleasure can counteract, we naturally seek to avoid it. Technological progress, for all its long-term benefits, entails loss (pain). The transition from an agrarian

April 6, 2023

Stop the AI Pause

…precipitate the exchange of nuclear weapons. It appears the “pause” we are most in need of is one on dystopian AI thinking. There’s no question that artificial intelligence in its various…