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August 16, 2023

How to Strengthen the ‘Success Sequence’ in Utah

…much economic and family security matter for their welfare. What is the ‘success sequence’? Research tells us that education, work and marriage — especially marriage prior to having children —…

August 14, 2023

Keep the Utah Family Miracle Going Strong

…could be called the “Utah Family Miracle” matters because social science tells us that one of the strongest predictors of state economic success is strong families. Recent research by economists…

August 14, 2023

Tracking Plans to Make Pandemic Benefit Expansions Permanent

In 2008, former White House Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel famously said what has come to be known as Rahm’s rule: “You never want a serious crisis to go to…

August 14, 2023

The Narcissism of Small Diffidences

…for it, and keep earning it. Only then will you matter in this house, at this school, in this world.” Teaching kids that they matter is hard to do in…

August 11, 2023

Why Does NY Campaign To Stop Smoking But Not Illicit Drug Use?

…is no small matter in light of the latest Gallup survey finding 17% of Americans regularly smoke pot. Yet the state OCM chooses not to draw attention to health matters;…

August 9, 2023

The CTC Work Incentive Works

…Figure 3, parents working multiple jobs is extremely rare no matter the family income, but especially uncommon among families with income below the full-CTC income threshold. The belief that many…

August 8, 2023

Bad Hoosiers

…of the 1920s and those we are struggling with today. As Matthew Continetti noted last year in his magisterial review of American conservatism, American nativism is a recurring national phenomenon. Like the…

August 7, 2023

Union Square Melee Proves Riots Have Little to Do with Real Political Grievances

The most revealing thing about Friday’s Union Square pop-up riot is that as police dispersed the mob, members started chanting, “Black Lives Matter.” Make no mistake: This was not a protest on…

August 5, 2023

Rent Control ‘Shabbifying’ NY’s Housing As Owners Feel the Squeeze

matters even worse, barring rent increases for major improvements, lest they enable the alleged ill of gentrification. But the details of Gotham’s housing maintenance woes should get far more attention….

August 4, 2023

The Racial Wealth Gap: Myths and Realities

mattered. Black people were viewed as a contagion.” Indeed, one study that comprehensively covered this issue concluded that the vast majority of black-owned housing were accurately classified.  It concluded: “Our results…