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December 14, 2023

Perspective: What Flexibility Means for Younger Workers — and Their Employers

…potential over time. This dynamic of discontent, however, does create some challenges for employers managing workforces in a tight labor market. On the one hand, employers want workers who will persist long enough…

December 14, 2023

The Myth of the 1%

…income held by the top 1% in the United States has soared. Income inequality, which former President Barack Obama declared “the defining challenge of our time,” has become a major issue in…

December 12, 2023

Virginia’s Gov. Youngkin Offers A Republican Path On Pre-K

…Build Back Better model offered plenty of cause for concern, Republicans haven’t offered much of an alternative. They’ve spent far more time critiquing the de Blasio/Biden approach than offering their own. That’s why last…

December 11, 2023

How to make smartphones and apps safer for kids

…the second time Utah, under Cox’s leadership, sued a social media company (the previous being against TikTok, probably the worst app for kids); nonetheless, the suit’s bipartisan nature and its…

December 11, 2023

How Public Housing Encourages Single Parenthood and Penalizes Marriage

…for low-income single-parent households provides housing for those in desperate need but—at the same time—may encourage single-parent household formation. It’s hard to be sure that “doubling-up” is worse. The public…

December 8, 2023

Biden’s Even Worse Version of “Free College”

…Public Service Loan Forgiveness) to cost about $8 billion over a 10-year period. With Biden’s changes, IDR could cost 45 times that much. Until 2010, the federal student-lending program mostly…

December 4, 2023

A Pro-Market and Pro-Social Economy

…owners of capital are just as inclined as ardent socialists to seek such favors. But only free markets have demonstrated the power to raise living standards over time. It is worth noting at this…

December 4, 2023

Post-Prohibition Pot Regulation: Should It Be More Like Tobacco?

…imagine a practical way to put the pot genie back in its pipe. It’s time to rethink what can be called our post-Prohibition era for cannabis — to accept the…

December 1, 2023

Cities Use Covid Funds to Run Guaranteed-Income Experiments

…participant in the Alexandria program has cut back his work hours, swapping his paycheck for a government handout. Many likely will make the same choice over time. The pilot programs…

December 1, 2023

Red States Can Lead the Way on Marriage and Fatherhood

…could present as examples men who are actively engaged in their household, play with their children, and recognize their distinctive role in their children’s lives. Dads who make time to…