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June 30, 2023

The U.S. Could Learn a Lot from This School in the U.K.

Last month, I took advantage of a trip to the U.K. to spend a day observing at London’s legendary Michaela School, which serves about 800 students ages eleven to 18, a…

June 26, 2023

Why There Are So Few Black Kids at Stuyvesant: Private Schools and Charter Schools Pull Top Students Out of the System

Once more there is hand-wringing as only a handful of Black students are in the 2023 entering Stuyvesant class; and very limited numbers at Bronx Science and Brooklyn Tech: the…

June 14, 2023

The Best Argument for School Choice

A new study from the Texas Public Policy Foundation is a reminder that the most persuasive argument in favor of school choice is not the promise of higher test scores, the beneficial…

June 14, 2023

Why Behavioral Requirements Are Vital to Welfare Programs

Just as the welfare-to-work policies of the Clinton administration jump-started a remarkable improvement in the lives of black women, work requirements, such as those included in the recent debt ceiling bill , have proven…

May 30, 2023

Two Sentences Will Strengthen SNAP’s Support for Work

The debt ceiling deal, agreed to by President Joe Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy, will improve the federal safety net’s effectiveness in helping people rise out of poverty. It modestly…

May 23, 2023

The White House Defender of Welfare Work Requirements

…followed by marked increases in work and earnings and sharp declines in poverty and benefit dependence. Writing about the impact of welfare reform in 2008, liberal poverty expert Robert Moffitt wrote: “The findings on employment and…

May 17, 2023

The Wrong Immigration at the Wrong Time

The ending of Title 42, has again moved immigration to center stage.  With foreign-born as a share of the U.S. population at historic levels, matching the early twentieth century, there…

May 10, 2023

AI Tutoring Has a Lot to Offer. But so Does Human Mentoring.

…latter. And we can’t lose sight of that, especially because modern life compounds the “bowling alone” phenomenon first identified by Harvard professor Robert Putnam in the 1990s. Putnam noted, across…

May 4, 2023

Work Is Essential to the American Dream

Work is one of the foundations of American life. Almost always, being employed and earning income gives individuals the opportunity, responsibility, and community they need to flourish. The broader importance…

May 4, 2023

The Social Breakdown: The Poverty of Family, Community, and Religious Life in America

…he was joined by Indiana University’s Leslie Lenkowsky and the Woodson Center’s Robert Woodson—two integral contributors to AEI’s previous research efforts—who discussed the myriad ways that government crowds out civil…