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August 7, 2024

A Bipartisan Solution to the Child Tax Credit Impasse

Last week, the Senate rejected a child tax credit revision that had bipartisan House support. It would have enabled more of the credit to be refundable to families with no…

June 20, 2024

The War on Poverty at 60: Lessons to Inform the Future

…to better support low-wage workers. Wendell Primus of the Brookings Institution focused on ways to reduce elderly poverty, including reforms to the Supplemental Security Income program. The Heritage Foundation’s Robert

June 17, 2024

Child Support Policy: Areas of Emerging Agreement and Ongoing Debate

The Child Support Enforcement (CSE) system is important in providing resources to children who live apart from one of their parents. This is especially true in poor households. In this…

June 15, 2024

Reimagining Early Education

…Conservative sociologist Robert Nisbet wrote: “Pluralist society is free society exactly in proportion to its ability to protect as large a domain as possible that is governed by the informal,…

May 8, 2024

Beltway Liberals Are Playing Name Games to Expand the Welfare State

…Longtime policy expert Robert Greenstein suggested this group is constituted of “poor, non-elderly adults who are not raising children and do not receive disability benefits.” Naturally, proponents didn’t offer the…

May 6, 2024

How States and Communities Can Strengthen Marriages 

Family is the greatest source of social capital, providing the setting in which people grow, develop, and anchor their lives. Stable and healthy marriages are at the foundation of strong…

April 17, 2024

Fiscal Sanity Please, Senators

The Wyden-Smith tax bill, which combines an expanded child tax credit (CTC) with a variety of business tax breaks, has been in limbo in the Senate for the past three…

April 11, 2024

The “Case for Curriculum” Is about Reducing Teachers’ Workload

Last weekend, I gave a talk at the U.S. ResearchEd conference in Greenwich, Connecticut, on “The Case for Curriculum,” based on a paper I wrote for Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, which was published this week at The…

April 9, 2024

The Case for Curriculum Reform

…and school system leaders be willing to take it on? Join AEI Senior Fellow Robert Pondiscio, StandardsWork’s Barbara Davidson, TNTP’s Kristen McQuillan, Orlando Riddick of the Houston Independent School District,…

March 31, 2024

Can Local Journalism Be Saved?

…project is ambitious in scope and complex in design. Participants in the so-called NewsMatch program, including the MacArthur, Ford, Carnegie, Robert Wood Johnson, and Hewlett Foundations, join the New York Times to…