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May 4, 2023
Work is one of the foundations of American life. Almost always, being employed and earning income gives individuals the opportunity, responsibility, and community they need to flourish. The broader importance…
May 4, 2023
…he was joined by Indiana University’s Leslie Lenkowsky and the Woodson Center’s Robert Woodson—two integral contributors to AEI’s previous research efforts—who discussed the myriad ways that government crowds out civil…
May 3, 2023
…On introducing their unemployment bills, Wisconsin state senator Romaine Robert Quinn and state representative Warren Petryk noted the “overwhelming support at the polls” from Wisconsin voters seeking “to ensure that the state…
May 3, 2023
…free institutions.”[1] Over a century and a half later, reviewing the state of American community life, Robert Putnam affirmed Tocqueville’s observation. In his magisterial Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival…
April 28, 2023
…assess trends in the various components of social capital (or to consider their distribution across Americans at a point in time). Since Robert Putnam first popularized the concept of social…
April 20, 2023
…the inseparability of religion and politics in premodern Greek and Islamic traditions. The conference concluded on the evening of April 21 with a discussion between AEI’s Robert P. George and…
April 18, 2023
…Richard John Neuhaus, Robert Nisbet, Michael Novak, William Schambra, and Robert Woodson, the project produced the landmark brief To Empower People: From State to Civil Society, which highlighted the importance of…
March 2, 2023
…1968 campaign, Price had joined John Doar (father of Robert Doar, president of AEI, where I’m employed), working for the bi-partisan economic development effort of Democratic Senator Robert Kennedy and Republican Senator…
February 22, 2023
Editor’s Note: The following chapters are AEI scholars’ contributions to a report from Opportunity America’s working group on K-12 education. The toll of the pandemic years is becoming clearer every…
February 22, 2023
Editor’s Note: The following chapters are AEI scholars’ contributions to a report from Opportunity America’s working group on K-12 education. The toll of the pandemic years is becoming clearer every…