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January 30, 2025
…SNAP benefit structure—the maximum benefit levels, the tapering point, the benefit reduction rate, and the exit point—to eliminate benefit cliffs and improve employment outcomes for participants while reducing program costs….
September 10, 2024
…likely reduced men’s wages. With more men single and childless, and for longer, they face less pressure to be breadwinners. That may affect the weight they put on maximizing their…
May 14, 2024
…declined. Along with reduced fertility and greater economic opportunities for women, the decline in marriage led men to prioritize values other than maximizing their pay. The painful transition for men…
March 28, 2024
…providing corporate tax relief, the legislation would change the CTC in four ways. First, the maximum CTC benefit would be indexed to inflation. Second, the maximum refundable credit would increase…
December 8, 2023
…with debt that exceeds one fifth of their discretionary income—the level research shows is unaffordable. Federal policy is not currently designed to maximize positive outcomes or minimize harms to borrowers….
August 3, 2023
…inequalities and improving employment outcomes more effectively. Responding to Hendra, Schaberg, and Orrell, the second report—Scaling Year Up to Maximize Access and Impact by Garrett A. R. Yursza Warfield—discusses Year Up,…
July 31, 2023
…in the labor market. Utah’s integrated model for workforce and social assistance—the Utah Department of Workforce Services—provides a “playbook” for building state-of-the-art service delivery that maximizes use of taxpayer dollars…
February 23, 2022
Key Points Progressives argue that universal school lunch would reduce paperwork burdens, yielding administrative efficiency gains. But the true question moves us far beyond debates over welfare economics into the…