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September 11, 2024
…admissions rates mean colleges must compete more fiercely to attract students, and for many that means slashing tuition. Policymakers should heed this lesson: a more competitive market in higher education…
September 11, 2024
The bill comes with a $500 billion price tag and endorsements from leading Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris. Moody’s, a major financial services company, has also blessed the act, predicting it will lower rents…
September 10, 2024
…It may be that because of labor market conditions, men have increasingly opted to receive federal disability benefits and make time for other priorities rather than work at the wages…
September 10, 2024
…time since 2003. AEI’s Michael R. Strain described how 2023 marks a year of recovery and improvement, made possible by the Federal Reserve’s successful efforts to get inflation under control…
September 4, 2024
…would have been able to purchase a home without any additional assistance and would experience a significant boost their purchasing power, in an already supply limited market. Additionally, the subsidy…
September 2, 2024
…is beyond doubt. We are just not building enough homes, especially in the coastal markets where there is the most demand. Per capita, there was less than half as much…
August 29, 2024
…measure of income. We find that social capital increases with income but at a decreasing rate. The source of income matters, as an extra $10,000 in market income is associated…
August 29, 2024
…And the Harris campaign promises to “cut taxes” to “help Americans afford health insurance on the Affordable Care Act marketplace” without a hint of irony. These plans would only expand…
August 20, 2024
…and precision. If this project and others like it succeed—data bottlenecks are the chief problem—it will mark a significant step toward integrating robots into industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and…
August 15, 2024
…hedonistic reasons. In explaining why she is childless, Beth Davis, a marketing professional, told The Wall Street Journal that she and her husband “have more time and energy to commit to ourselves,”…