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January 3, 2023
…likely contributed to the “marked increase” in mortality rates among middle-aged whites that economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton uncovered in a landmark study published in 2015. They attributed this…
January 1, 2023
…to less time spent on commuting. If so, it’s worth asking whether remote work monitoring is, in reality, a solution looking for a problem. Trust and markets Our entire economic…
December 15, 2022
…confirm that the conventional wisdom is off-base. According to the CBO, median household income from market activities – labor, business, and capital income, as well as retirement income from past…
November 28, 2022
…shifts in the wake of the pandemic could lead to future disruptions in school finance, teacher labor markets, and student preparation. We examine three research questions. First, how did COVID-related…
February 23, 2022
…is primarily a marketing tool to fuel growth in consumer food expenditures and demand for major food commodities: meat, dairy, eggs, wheat. It’s an economics lesson that has very little…
January 20, 2022
…married, having children within marriage, or any of the other behaviors that typically mark passage into young adulthood and likely entry into the middle class or beyond? Read the full…
January 3, 2022
…Regulatory institutions appear to be a significant depressant on job satisfaction, particularly credit market regulations (such as interest rate controls) and goods market regulations. The institutions of collective bargaining and regulations on hiring…
October 19, 2021
…favor of either of the first two scenarios, there is marked polarization in desires related to marriage and childbearing by income, religious attendance, and partisanship as COVID-19 abates.That’s because in…
August 23, 2021
…higher among the working class. The key lesson from the Great Recession is that strong economic growth and a hot labor market do more to improve the economic well-being of…
July 2, 2021
…full market value of health insurance—perhaps capped as a fraction of total resources—and one that includes a zero value of health insurance. The latter measure should not deduct medical out-of-pocket…