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July 25, 2023
…were doing blacks a favor by including them in these programs. Many then viewed public housing as desirable quarters. As Edward Banfield and Martin Meyerson wrote in their landmark book…
July 24, 2023
…more recently fewer of us feel like we belong to them.” Another recent survey found a marked decline in community connection and sense of kinship with their local area even…
July 21, 2023
…the formidable family challenges facing Spain, PP — should it win the election — will need to reform a labour market which is currently inhospitable to young adults searching for…
July 21, 2023
…of centralized bureaucracies by appealing to the dignity of human life, the limited government of the Constitution, and the space that market economics provides for individual choice and competition. This…
July 19, 2023
…the worst housing affordability ever and sharp declines in manufacturing. If those and other trends worsen, the low regard voters already have for Bidenomics may prove a high-water mark instead….
July 18, 2023
…Region report to do a deep dive on a policy issue in the Washington region. This year’s report focuses on mortgage markets. We’ve summarized our findings here. With the recession came…
July 18, 2023
A few months back, I reflected on the 40th anniversary of “A Nation at Risk,” the landmark 1983 report. But there’s one important point that I didn’t really address: that the report…
July 17, 2023
…of landlord–tenant relations — like housing and building-code enforcement — has historically been a matter for localities, the units of government by far the closest to housing markets. Cities and…
July 13, 2023
…on several straightforward assumptions. First, taxpayers shouldn’t be treated as a bottomless pit of support for higher education. Higher education is a marketplace, and it shouldn’t enjoy public subsidy without…
July 12, 2023
…groceries at a price based on customers’ incomes. These distortions to New York’s housing market may seem outrageous or counterproductive, but they do not mean the state rent-regulation law is…