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January 12, 2024
…and, to a lesser extent, trade dramatically reduced the number of middle-skill jobs leading to what economists called a “polarized” labor market: many high-skilled and low-skilled jobs but relatively few that…
January 12, 2024
…teens. And under Cox’s leadership, Utah has also launched a social marketing campaign — relying on billboards and social media ads of its own — to highlight the dangers of social media and…
January 11, 2024
…played an important role in recent American social policy, including by offering incentives for work over welfare. But just because new and expanded credits may be falsely marketed as “tax cuts”…
January 10, 2024
…marketing. Perhaps it was inevitable that proposals to revive the 2021 CTC expansion would someday find their way into a tax extenders package. But that should only heighten concerns that…
January 9, 2024
…market performance measures. Many more prime age Americans were in the labor force and paid jobs in 2023 than in 2019, the last pre-pandemic year (2.4 million and 3.1 million…
January 4, 2024
States and cities considering housing supply reforms in the new year to combat worsening affordability should unleash the free market rather than rely on the Department for Housing and Urban…
January 2, 2024
…the high-water mark of racial segregation, a private developer named James Rouse planned an integrated city in nearby Columbia, Md. Columbia is not perfect, but it remains racially diverse, and according to data…
December 31, 2023
…even worse than many of its predecessors. The so-called Mixed-Income Market Initiative will be more directly costly than tax breaks the city has used to subsidized construction of income-restricted “affordable…
December 21, 2023
…For example, the low-income-housing tax credit does little to increase the supply of housing and ultimately pads the pockets of developers rather than reduce market rents. Housing-choice vouchers unfairly provide…
December 19, 2023
…are predicated on the idea of some “market failure” — a desirable good or service is not being provided privately. A good case can be made, in fact, that, notwithstanding…