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July 14, 2023

Do We Need a Reboot? Challenging Prevailing Narratives on AI

It is hard at times to tell which is likely to be more disruptive: artificial intelligence (AI) or the multiplying efforts to regulate this powerful, potentially transformational, and highly beneficial…

July 7, 2023

With Affirmative Action Gone, We Should Focus Admissions Policies on Poverty

If history is any guide, Supreme Court ruling in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard won’t mark the end of the struggle over the constitutionality of race-conscious policies. It won’t even mark…

June 28, 2023

Yes, College Is Still a Good Investment

A four-year degree still pays dividends—but now’s a great time for young people to snap up some on-the-job experience, too. Another graduation season is in the books. Some students have…

June 22, 2023

System Error: Where Big Tech Went Wrong and How We Can Reboot

Event Summary On June 22, AEI’s Brent Orrell and Shane Tews were joined by Rob Reich of the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence and Jeremy M. Weinstein of the…

June 13, 2023

Is There an AI Gender Gap?

Gender gaps are one of the defining characteristics of our age. In a wide variety of educational, social, and work settings, women increasingly out-perform men. Women attend college at higher rates and appear to…

June 7, 2023

The Price We’ll Pay for Our AI Future: More Loneliness

Brent Orrell recently wrote about how AI chatbots might allow neurodivergent people to better navigate challenging social dynamics.  In researching new AI chatbots, I was struck by the missed opportunity for disconnected…

June 7, 2023

How ‘Negativity Bias’ Skews the Conversation About Artificial Intelligence

Just as I was preparing an article titled “Calm Down About Artificial Intelligence”—one in a series—Marc Andreesen has preempted me with an 18-page blog post inventorying the main threads in the…

June 7, 2023

The Price We’ll Pay For Our AI Future: More Loneliness

…pets to help seniors with everyday tasks, such as remembering to take medication. My colleague Brent Orrell recently wrote about how AI chatbots might allow neurodivergent people to better navigate challenging social…

June 1, 2023

Will Chat Tech Help the Neuro-Divergent Find Their Place in Society?

The lament that digital technologies and social media are contributing to an epidemic of loneliness and conflict is ubiquitous. Whether these technologies caused or exacerbated these challenges is hard to…

May 23, 2023

An Unexpected Role for AI in the Workplace

WHEN MICHAEL POLANYI, the underappreciated twentieth-century physicist, philosopher, and economist, is remembered nowadays, it is most often for having observed that much of human knowledge, in both practical and abstract matters, is…