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June 22, 2023

System Error: Where Big Tech Went Wrong and How We Can Reboot

Event Summary On June 22, AEI’s Brent Orrell and Shane Tews were joined by Rob Reich of the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence and Jeremy M. Weinstein of the…

June 13, 2023

Is There an AI Gender Gap?

Gender gaps are one of the defining characteristics of our age. In a wide variety of educational, social, and work settings, women increasingly out-perform men. Women attend college at higher rates and appear to…

June 7, 2023

How ‘Negativity Bias’ Skews the Conversation About Artificial Intelligence

Just as I was preparing an article titled “Calm Down About Artificial Intelligence”—one in a series—Marc Andreesen has preempted me with an 18-page blog post inventorying the main threads in the…

June 1, 2023

Will Chat Tech Help the Neuro-Divergent Find Their Place in Society?

The lament that digital technologies and social media are contributing to an epidemic of loneliness and conflict is ubiquitous. Whether these technologies caused or exacerbated these challenges is hard to…

May 23, 2023

An Unexpected Role for AI in the Workplace

WHEN MICHAEL POLANYI, the underappreciated twentieth-century physicist, philosopher, and economist, is remembered nowadays, it is most often for having observed that much of human knowledge, in both practical and abstract matters, is…

April 6, 2023

Stop the AI Pause

Last week, the Future of Life Institute released an open letter that included some computer science luminaries calling to freeze deployment and research on artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for six months. One prominent…

March 31, 2023

AI and the Future of Work: Preparing the Workforce for an AI-Driven Economy

AI is best positioned to augment the workforce, not replace it. The U.S. Chamber’s Commission on Artificial Intelligence Competition, Inclusion, and Innovation report outlines recommendations for preparing the workforce for…

March 27, 2023

Here Are the Kinds of Jobs Chat AI Is Likeliest to Affect

A new analysis estimates that a fifth of all U.S. jobs are in the category most vulnerable to disruption. Researchers at OpenAI—the company behind ChatGPT—and the University of Pennsylvania came…

March 15, 2023

Can Businesses Boost Upward Mobility?

…AEI’s Brent Orrell moderated the discussion among the panelists. Harry Holzer of Georgetown University spoke first about the economics of good and bad jobs and how employers conceptualize labor costs…

March 6, 2023

The Federal AI Shambles

The future is fast arriving—as the last year’s developments in artificial intelligence make clear—but the national government is nowhere near ready. Over the last year, we’ve seen the explosion into…