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May 31, 2023

Ending the Small Checks Scam

…in virtually no savings—a paltry $6 million over the coming decade, in a program expected to spend $165 billion in just federal funds during that time. As Roll Call headlined, those relatively small savings made…

May 31, 2023

Children Are Dead Because Activists Say It’s Racist for ACS to Act

…the result of an agency that is stretched too thin. According to the New York Times, that neighborhood’s “caseworkers have an average load of 12.5 cases, ACS said — about…

May 30, 2023

Parenting While High

…We are not addressing this problem. To begin with, states have faced growing pressure to stop testing mothers and infants for drugs at the time of birth. Even when drug testing does…

May 27, 2023

How Newborns Are Becoming Victims of Legalized Marijuana Use

…this mother’s problems after all. As more states legalize drug use, child welfare agencies are having a harder time detecting when such usage puts children in harm’s way — and…

May 24, 2023

Don’t Be So Shocked That People Still Want Marriage and Children

Four writers at Curbed, the millennial-run, New York-centric real estate site, undertook an ambitious project. To put a price tag on living in New York, they asked young people to describe their…

May 23, 2023

Will Biden Cross a Line on Poverty?

…gap would grow over time, and by 2033 the poverty line would be more than $13,000 higher than it would be using the current approach. Raising the poverty line would…

May 23, 2023

An Unexpected Role for AI in the Workplace

…hour, and average call time for those using AI fell by 5 minutes from a company baseline of 40. Customer support workers handled more calls and resolved more problems with…

May 23, 2023

Public Housing Should Have Work Rules, Too

…been finding ways around it.) Unlike Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, housing benefits come with no time limit: about 32,000 New York City public-housing residents have lived in the projects…

May 23, 2023

Biden Courts Another Mortgage Crisis

…have hollowed out the risk-based pricing structure erected after the 2008 financial crisis. Progressives claim these rules need to be altered so those who have historically had a harder time…

May 17, 2023

The Wrong Immigration at the Wrong Time

…been capped at 85,000 for the last twenty years with annual applications now totaling eight times that figure.  These are the workers where labor shortages are the most striking and they…