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March 21, 2024

Sugary Beverage Consumption Among SNAP Recipients

…who report drinking sugary beverages at least some of the time, then SNAP recipients reported drinking about 9 sugary beverages per week. It is also worth noting that over half…

March 21, 2024

It’s Not Just Minority Neighborhoods—NYC’s Entire Property-Tax System Needs Reform

…showing a majority of residents are ready to bolt the Big Apple over quality-of-life concerns, it’s the worst moment to raise taxes. It’s time to lower taxes for the over-assessed…

March 21, 2024

Why Foster Kids Aren’t Getting the Mental Health Care They need

…have been documented many times. But what is it specifically that leads to mental health problems when that situation is not available? When parents split up, the stress and anxiety…

March 20, 2024

When Workers Say They Value Flexibility, They Mean It

…that younger workers, while greatly valuing flexibility, were less likely to rank remote work as a top priority (12 percent) over pay (25 percent). At the same time, 35 percent…

March 19, 2024

Conservatives Distrust Higher Ed—But Still Need Degrees

…confidence in higher ed dropped a whopping 37 percentage points, nearly double the national average, and four times the dropoff for Democrats. Many on the right now hold as self-evident…

March 14, 2024

The “No Excuses” Model Is Due for a Renaissance

…increasingly popular,” notes Times reporter Emma Bubola, sounding vaguely surprised. On the one hand, the Times piece is an unexpectedly respectful take. It notes that these schools are “borrowing from the techniques of American charter…

March 14, 2024

The Chipping Away at Safe Haven Laws

…of time, the results can be disastrous. And when states give preference to relatives — overlooking safety concerns just because a child shares DNA with them — things can turn…

March 12, 2024

Why Did Food Insecurity Increase from 2019 to 2022 in the United States? 

…increase in food insecurity would likely have been larger without expansions to the social safety net during this time. We conclude with several recommendations to keep food price inflation low….

March 12, 2024

Family Dinners Offer a Silver Lining in a Bleak Social Capital Landscape

…records time diary entries for a representative group of Americans, offering researchers a definitive portrait of how, with whom, and where individuals spend their time. It also reduces recall bias,…

March 11, 2024

How Many Forms of “Wage Insurance” Do We Need, Exactly?

…on a partisan basis in 2021. That 2021 policy resulted in CTC payments flowing for the first time to nonworking parents, eliminating both the work requirement and work incentive for…