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May 5, 2023

Wrong Diagnosis, Wrong Prescription

Princeton sociologist Matthew Desmond’s previous book, Evicted, offered a compelling account of poverty in America. Illuminating and thought-provoking, its ethnographic accounts of deep struggle spurred new research and increased policy focus on the links…

May 3, 2023

Work-for-Welfare Gains Traction Among Republicans

Last week, U.S. House Republicans included expanded work requirements for Medicaid, food stamps, and cash welfare benefits in their legislation to extend the federal debt limit. As employers continue to struggle to find workers, states,…

May 2, 2023

In Next Recession, Don’t Let Uncle Sam Be Uncle Sucker Again

Following recent bank failures, expectations for a recession have revived. If unemployment rises significantly, Congress will likely re-open its stimulus policy playbook — including by extending unemployment benefits. Yet given an increased…

May 1, 2023

Here’s How Hochul Can Salvage Her Goal of More Affordable Housing in NY

Notably missing from the budget the Legislature is passing is a proposal Gov. Kathy Hochul had marked as a top priority: spurring cities and towns to build 800,000 new housing units….

May 1, 2023

Closing Young Minds

Roger Brooks describes himself as a “loyal supporter” of Durham Academy. A member of the class of 1980, he has donated money every year to support the 1,200-student North Carolina…

March 31, 2023

AI and the Future of Work: Preparing the Workforce for an AI-Driven Economy

AI is best positioned to augment the workforce, not replace it. The U.S. Chamber’s Commission on Artificial Intelligence Competition, Inclusion, and Innovation report outlines recommendations for preparing the workforce for…

March 27, 2023

Here Are the Kinds of Jobs Chat AI Is Likeliest to Affect

A new analysis estimates that a fifth of all U.S. jobs are in the category most vulnerable to disruption. Researchers at OpenAI—the company behind ChatGPT—and the University of Pennsylvania came…

March 24, 2023

How Religious Faith and a Sense of Agency Corresponds with Mental Health

“Sisterhood is powerful.” That was an early slogan of feminism, but it’s hard to imagine it being used to describe young women today. In fact, as a number of scholars…

February 14, 2023

Microsoft Is Getting Ready to Eat Google’s Lunch

The new Bing Chat appears to be an existential threat to Google’s search dominance. You’ve heard, endlessly, about ChatGPT, but you may not have had a chance to look at its…

February 8, 2023

Where the Tech Layoffs Are Hitting Hardest

Companies are cutting programmers, human resources, and DEI staffers. The hiring burst of 517,000 new jobs in January ran contrary to the conventional economic wisdom, namely that the Federal Reserve’s war on…