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AEI Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility Working Paper

An Evaluation of Cost Saving Reforms of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

American Enterprise Institute

March 11, 2025

Congress is considering ways to reduce spending on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) by $230 billion over ten years. Reforms are likely to include one or more of the following cost-saving elements: reducing the maximum SNAP benefit, reducing deductions, expanding work requirements, and ending broad based categorical eligibility. In this paper I analyze each of these reform elements individually, focusing on the consequences for the SNAP benefit schedule, targeting of benefits to low-income households, and work incentives. I then discuss implications for including these elements within broader SNAP reform proposals. As one example, I show how a combination of elements—expanding work requirements and eliminating the standard deduction and broad based categorical eligibility—can balance the goals of targeting and strengthening work incentives.