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December 13, 2024
At the behest of New College Florida and the Global Freedom Initiative, AEI scholar Kevin Corinth joined a distinguished group of scholars and practitioners for the Symposium on Ideological Capture of Universities and Institutions to discuss the ideological capture—or politicization—of America’s educational, professional, and political institutions. Dr. Corinth, along with co-panelists Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus…
October 16, 2024
Despite improvements in material living standards, the erosion of social connections, civic engagement, and community ties has led to a decline in overall social wellbeing. New research reveals a complex relationship between economic and social factors, highlighting the need for a more comprehensive approach to addressing societal challenges. As policymakers and communities grapple with these…
October 7, 2024
Senior Fellow Kevin Corinth discusses factors hindering wage growth for the middle class.
February 14, 2024
A new bill is making its way through Congress, aiming to expand the existing Child Tax Credit (CTC) policy. As part of a Dispatch debate series, associate editor Luis Parrales moderates a debate between Kevin Corinth of the American Enterprise Institute and Patrick T. Brown of the Ethics and Public Policy Center on the merits of the proposal. What are the tradeoffs of a work requirement? Should…