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April 30, 2024

I’m a Conservative But Defunding NPR Is a Mistake. What Should Happen Instead Might Be Surprising

…broadcasting flows. What is NPR doing to increase the geographic and demographic diversity of its audience? Why does the network have no studios south of the Mason-Dixon line but only in New…

February 7, 2024

Elite Colleges Need to Offer Less Affirmation. And Insist on More Work.

…arrive, however, they hunt for professors with low expectations,” George Mason University economist Bryan Caplan noted in The Case Against Education. We need to reset expectations and incentives for students and…

November 3, 2023

The Biden AI Executive Order: Dark Brandon or Uncle Joe?

…of any guesstimation of AI’s impact on jobs and skills, is hopelessly unprepared for this task. As my AEI colleague Mason Bishop likes to say, our LMI system is like…

October 24, 2023

Roanoke Atones for Urban Renewal—Artistically

…project, according to reporter Mary Bishop’s impressive 1995 Roanoke Times special section, “How Urban Renewal Uprooted Black Roanoke.” Thus, the Ramey show serves as a reminder of the loss both of community…

September 21, 2023

Testimony | Spurring Innovation in Workforce Development: Program Governance and Service Delivery

Chairman Owens, Ranking Member Wilson, and Members of the Subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to present testimony on improvements Congress can make to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act…

September 13, 2023

American Dreamers

…expand high-performance sector-based training programs in Indiana’s workforce development system. Finally, visiting AEI senior fellow Mason Bishop and I addressed the recent annual gathering of the State Policy Network in Chicago. This presentation focused on Bishop’s…

August 7, 2023

The Right Way to Fix Public Broadcasting

…open to change.  The fact that a “national” system has no major studios below the Mason-Dixon line should be an embarrassment. The fact that it has become a partisan lighting…

July 31, 2023

The Utah Model: Workforce Programs and Services Integration Tool Kit

The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic aftermath have created a renewed interest in high-performing service-delivery models for unemployed and dislocated workers and those lacking the job skills to fully participate…

January 17, 2020

Rethinking Reentry

…4, Faye S. Taxman, a professor of criminology, law, and society at George Mason University, addresses the need for fidelity to evidence-informed practices as supported through implementation and intervention science. Taxman notes…