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December 13, 2023

Stronger Families, Safer Streets

…family. Drawing on the work of scholars like Harvard sociologist Robert Sampson—who found that “(f)amily structure is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, predictors of … urban violence…

November 1, 2023

The Ultimate Social Capital: A Story to Save the Union

…an unfortunate thing happened during this long overdue reckoning. Out of the growing recognition it had been ignoring or excluding so many people, our national story was disassembled. Scholars focused…

June 29, 2023

Investing in Ideas, Influencing Policy: A Guide to Think Tank Effectiveness

…think tanks seeking impact must maintain public communication arms and public-facing scholars. Seizing the moment: Understanding when a window of policy opportunity has opened—whether for new or older findings—and acting…

May 26, 2023

The Power of the Success Sequence

Introduction The “Success Sequence,” a formula to help young adults succeed in America, has been discussed widely in recent years, including by Brookings Institution scholars Ron Haskins and Isabel Sawhill….

May 3, 2023

The Mainline Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Social Capitalism

…have long been seen as nearly synonymous.”[25] Sociologists and scholars of religion later quantified this observation, examining the degree to which members of different religious traditions participated in community life….

February 22, 2023

Unlocking the Future

Editor’s Note: The following chapters are AEI scholars’ contributions to a report from Opportunity America’s working group on K-12 education. The toll of the pandemic years is becoming clearer every…

February 22, 2023

Unlocking the Future

Editor’s Note: The following chapters are AEI scholars’ contributions to a report from Opportunity America’s working group on K-12 education. The toll of the pandemic years is becoming clearer every…

February 14, 2023

Brave New Technology

scholar at the Brookings Institution has noted, an important part of this is helping to convince young people, especially boys and men, that these are honorable and viable careers for them and…

September 30, 2022

Off Track: An Assessment of Wisconsin’s Early Care and Learning System for Young Children

…while earning a living. Wisconsin long ago decided to assist low-income parents in finding good help. How is Wisconsin doing at this? Not so well. Here, an eminent Wisconsin-based scholar

January 17, 2020

Rethinking Reentry

…research director for the Minnesota Department of Corrections and adjunct scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, writes about risk-needs-responsivity (RNR) assessments for individuals serving prison sentences. In his chapter, Duwe argues that RNR assessment…