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June 13, 2024

The Family-to-Prison-or-College Pipeline: Married Fathers and Young Men’s Transition to Adulthood

…are more likely to be exposed to unrelated adults, especially males, who pose a greater risk of being neglectful or even abusive to them, as Brad Wilcox noted in his…

December 15, 2023

Pro-Family Policy Priorities for States

Introduction America’s system of federalism means that the is- sues that most directly impact the lives of parents and families are often most appropriately dealt with at the state level….

December 13, 2023

Stronger Families, Safer Streets

The debate about how best to respond to urban crime—a debate that has become more important in light of recent increases in violent crime and homicide in many cities across…

November 14, 2023

The Comeback City

…as intractable pathologies. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then New York senator, said at one public hearing on juvenile violence in 1993, “There is nothing you’ll do of any consequence, except start…

October 11, 2023

The Social Workplace: Social Capital, Human Dignity, and Work in America, Volume II

A majority of American workers say that having the flexibility to balance their work and personal lives is one of most important or a very important consideration when choosing a…

May 26, 2023

The Power of the Success Sequence

Introduction The “Success Sequence,” a formula to help young adults succeed in America, has been discussed widely in recent years, including by Brookings Institution scholars Ron Haskins and Isabel Sawhill….

May 25, 2023

Education Freedom and Work Opportunities as Catalysts for Increasing the Birth Rate Among Married Couples

Summary Pursuing new, commonsense approaches to education reform and work–family policies, from childcare and early education through higher education and workforce flexibility, will foster the conditions for family flourishing and…

May 25, 2023

Education Freedom and Work Opportunities as Catalysts for Increasing the Birth Rate Among Married Couples

Summary Pursuing new, commonsense approaches to education reform and work–family policies, from childcare and early education through higher education and workforce flexibility, will foster the conditions for family flourishing and…

May 3, 2023

The Mainline Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Social Capitalism

…and areas with many mainliners the best. Sociologists have observed these trends in prior work, including our colleague, W. Bradford Wilcox. Wilcox argues that mainline adherents tend to “talk left…

March 2, 2023

The Lost World of Ecumenical Republicanism

…Nixon’s Surprising Social Policy deserves a place in the pantheon of gossipy Washington micro-histories. Its author, John Roy Price, served in the Nixon White House under the tutelage of Daniel Patrick…