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September 11, 2024

As America’s housing crisis intensifies, the American Housing and Economic Mobility Act of 2024 has emerged as a high-profile yet expensive solution.  

…fate. To continue reading this op-ed online on The Hill, click here. Tobias Peter and Edward Pinto are co-directors of the American Enterprise Institute’s Housing Center. The views expressed in this article are…

September 4, 2024

Kamala Harris’s Housing Plan Would Be Worse Than Doing Nothing

…cost and without unintended consequences. Edward Pinto is the senior fellow and codirector of the American Enterprise Institute Housing Center. Tobias Peter is the senior fellow and codirector of the…

July 29, 2024

The Real Impact of Zoning and Land Use Reforms Contrary to the Urban Institute’s Claims

Not in my backyard (NIMBY) adherents across the country are beginning to weaponize a recent Urban Institute study that reviewed 180 zoning reforms and concluded these reforms barely affected the housing supply. Given Urban’s…

May 9, 2024

State Housing Bills Are Dead; Time for Local Leaders to Step Up

…own commonsense housing reforms. This op-ed was originally published in the Star Tribune. Tobias Peter is a Senior Fellow and Codirector of the AEI Housing Center. The views expressed in this…

May 7, 2024

How Zoning Policies Affect the Housing Supply: City of Denver Case Study

Summary: The City of Denver switched to a new zoning code in June 2010. Most areas were upzoned, but some were downzoned. Overall, the policy encouraged housing construction in Denver….

May 6, 2024

Comments on the One Seattle Plan (Comp Plan)

Summary: 1) Seattle has been underbuilding for the last decade (and likely even longer) and it needs to build more housing than the targets set in the comp plan. 2)…

February 22, 2024

The Workforce/Middle-Income Housing Tax Credit

…the cause of the housing crisis. In the second panel, AEI’s Edward L. Glaeser, Howard Husock, and Tobias Peter dissected government and market solutions to the housing-supply shortage. Government-funded solutions…

January 24, 2024

Expanding Housing Supply with Light-Touch Density: City of Seattle Case Study

Executive Summary The formula for housing abundance is straightforward: Enable by-right zoning Allow greater density in lots of areas, particularly around walkable, amenity-rich commercial areas Follow the KISS (Keep It…

January 23, 2024

A Follow-Up on My Recent Testimony to the Joint Economic Committee on Policy Approaches to Increasing the Supply of Affordable Housing

In my recent testimony on affordable housing supply, I highlighted the superiority of markets over government solutions and pointed to the ineffectiveness of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), which…

January 17, 2024

Achieving Housing Abundance Through State and Local Land Use and Zoning Reform

Chair Heinrich and Vice Chair Schweikert, and distinguished Members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to testify today. Executive Summary: Housing affordability issues are real for many Americans….