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December 13, 2024

Economics & Data-Driven Inquiry

At the behest of New College Florida and the Global Freedom Initiative, AEI scholar Kevin Corinth joined a distinguished group of scholars and practitioners for the Symposium on Ideological Capture of Universities and Institutions to discuss the ideological capture—or politicization—of America’s educational, professional, and political institutions. Dr. Corinth, along with co-panelists Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus…

December 11, 2024

US Students Best Other Nations—in Achievement Gap Growth

US scores on the 2023 Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) are another sign not only that American students are losing ground in math and science, but that the achievement gap between high-performers and low-performers has grown dramatically. As I wrote a couple days ago, these trends started well before the pandemic and are…

December 11, 2024

Some College Graduates Are Taking Lower-Paying Jobs

The promise of higher education is to equip students with new ideas and skills that will help them land higher-paying jobs. For many students, this dream comes true—but that is not what happens across the board. As college degree attainment has risen over time, many graduates find themselves taking jobs that traditionally belonged to those…

December 10, 2024

Fighting in-work poverty: the minimum wage versus in-work benefits

Abstract We review evidence on the effectiveness of the minimum wage versus in-work benefit policies in reducing poverty in OECD countries. The most credible evidence suggests that raising the minimum wage is an ineffective policy tool for reducing poverty. On net, minimum wage increases tend to redistribute rather than reduce poverty. In contrast, government subsidies…

December 9, 2024

TIMSS Shows the Bottom Is Falling Out for US Test Scores

Last week’s release of 2023 scores from the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)—an international assessment measuring fourth and eighth graders in math and science—offers a fresh look at the academic performance of US and international students. The results are grim. Three things stand out. First (and perhaps not surprisingly), the pandemic harmed student…

December 5, 2024

More High-Skill Immigration Is Popular. Let’s Act on That

This might be one of the most underappreciated facts of American public opinion: As controversial as the subject of immigration is, high-skill immigration isn’t controversial at all. A Pew Research Center poll in September found 71 percent of Donald Trump supporters and 87 percent of Kamala Harris supporters favored admitting more high-skilled immigrants. Likewise, a survey last summer from…

December 5, 2024

Inflation Reduction Act Offers a General Lesson against Industrial Policy

With President Trump’s stunning return to power, Congress has the opportunity in 2025 to enact additional business tax cuts. One of their specific goals should be to make “full expensing” of business investment a permanent part of the tax code. By allowing businesses to deduct the full cost of investment in the year the spending…

December 4, 2024

Back to Basics: America’s Founding, Civics, and Self-Government in K-12 Curricula

AEI Senior Fellow Ian Rowe testifies before the US House Education and Workforce Committee on December 4, 2024, alongside Dr. Jed Atkins, Director and Dean, School of Civic Life and Leadership, University of North Carolina; Brian V. Kennedy, International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers; and Michael Weiser, Chair of the Board of Directors, Jack…

December 4, 2024

Shifting Patterns of Social Interaction: Exploring the Social Life of Urban Spaces Through A.I.

Abstract We analyze changes in pedestrian behavior over a 30-year period in four urban public spaces located in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. Building on William Whyte’s observational work from 1980, where he manually recorded pedestrian behaviors, we employ computer vision and deep learning techniques to examine video footage from 1979-80 and 2008-10. Our analysis…

December 3, 2024

Avoiding an Unemployment Loan Bailout

Taxpayers in most states may have dodged a billion-dollar bullet on election day. That is, if the outcome had been different, liberal lawmakers would have been uniquely positioned to bail out California and New York unemployment benefit debts, and in the process shift large costs onto taxpayers in other states. All states levy payroll taxes…