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August 10, 2023

The Rowe Show

On today’s Remnant—which happens to be more than a year in the making—Jonah’s joined for the first time by Ian Rowe, a senior fellow at AEI and the author of…

August 3, 2023

Philanthropists Discover the Value of “Sunsetting”

…that its hostility to capitalism had thrown it off course: “Perhaps it is time for the trustees and staff to examine the question of our obligations to our economic system…

August 2, 2023

The Best Predictor of Happiness in America? Marriage

…is stable over time. It is about the same whether the unmarried state is due to divorce, separation, death of spouse or never having married,” Peltzman says. What’s more, he…

July 25, 2023

What Relationship Outsourcing Says About Our Culture

How many of our relationships can we outsource? Apparently, there’s no end. A recent article in The New York Times describes a new kind of professional, a “surrogate partner,” who…

June 22, 2023

In An Age Of Low Social Trust, Stopping By Your Neighbor’s House Is Weird And Creepy

It was presaged during the pandemic: “Masks have also become so much more than mere barrier between germs and lungs,” the New York Times reported in April 2021. “They can keep that too-chatty neighbor…

June 11, 2023

Now Political Polarization Comes for Marriage Prospects

…important over time, with fewer Americans willing to date or marry across the aisle. Dating apps and websites report a growing share of users setting political criteria for matches. The Survey…

June 9, 2023

Schools Use Racist “Reparations Math” to Indoctrinate Black Students with Victimization

…offered by the New York Times 1619 Project and the Pulitzer Center.   Already discredited for falsely revising history, the New York Times 1619 Project makes no secret of the Reparations Math curriculum’s ambition to shape future…

June 7, 2023

The Price We’ll Pay For Our AI Future: More Loneliness

Americans are trapped in a loneliness epidemic. Across the country, people are having fewer social interactions, spending more time alone, and reporting fewer close friends. These trends aren’t just a symptom…