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April 18, 2024

Back from the brink: The intellectual tide is turning on marriage and civil society

…For instance, as David Leonhardt, a columnist at The New York Times, noted, “I think that my half of the political spectrum — the left half — often dismisses the importance…

April 11, 2024

What a New Report on 10 years of AI Research Reveals

…adapt, learn and innovate. By embracing the opportunities presented by AI while preparing for change, we can boost productivity and economic growth with AI and expand opportunities for workers at the same time….

April 11, 2024

The “Case for Curriculum” Is about Reducing Teachers’ Workload

…of thing that bleed away their time, according to Pew, from noninstructional work such as hallway monitoring or lunch duty (24 percent); helping students outside class time (22 percent); and…

April 11, 2024

The Right Has an Opportunity to Rethink Education in America

…will choose to meet the moment at a time when too many public officials seem more interested in social media exposure than solving problems. We’re optimists. We think the right…

April 9, 2024

Child Abandonment in the Name of Compassion

A self-described libertarian friend once described to me the feeling she had when it was time to leave the hospital with her newborn baby. She remembered looking at the nurse…

April 8, 2024

Accountability Comes to Public Housing

…average tenant has lived in NYCHA housing for more than 20 years. Nearly 30 percent of the tenants are “over-housed”—meaning they have empty bedrooms—at a time when family shelters are…

April 8, 2024

The $1,000 Tax Hike on Middle-Class Families

…than they paid six years ago — at the same time that adults without children will face no tax increase at all. What’s worse is that for every additional kid…

April 8, 2024

We Still Don’t Know How Much Taxpayers Lost Due to Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Fraud

…millions of independent contractors, the self-employed, and others never before eligible for regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) checks. But in some of the worst policy choices of all time, lawmakers failed to…

April 4, 2024

Biden’s ‘Tax Cut’ Rhetoric Is Really Just Code For Benefit Increases

…Democrats temporarily expanded the Child Tax Credit in 2021 to provide payments to non-workers for the first time, the resulting deluge of new benefit payouts turned the IRS into America’s number one welfare agency. The…

April 3, 2024

School Absenteeism Has Become A Big Problem. But We Can Do Something About It.

Chronic absenteeism has become a pressing challenge for the nation’s schools. The stories are ubiquitous, featuring headlines like last week’s New York Times’s front-pager “Why School Absences Have ‘Exploded’ Almost Everywhere.” In…