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December 1, 2023

Red States Can Lead the Way on Marriage and Fatherhood

“If we care about our children, if we care about the vibrancy of our communities, we have no choice but to have the conversation” about absent fatherhood, said Chris Sprowls, who…

November 27, 2023

For kids, marriage still matters

…by promoting the success sequence. Utah’s youth deserve to know this proven pathway to a better life. Brad Wilcox, a professor of sociology at the University of Virginia and director…

November 21, 2023

Defining Poverty Up

Thirty years ago, the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D., N.Y.) wrote a seminal essay titled “Defining Deviancy Down.” He argued that Americans had “become accustomed to alarming levels of crime…

November 17, 2023

Male Malaise Is Not Just About ‘the Culture’

You are familiar with the litany of ills blighting our society: declining rates of work and marriage; rising rates of obesity and loneliness; soaring deaths of despair. All of these trends…

November 14, 2023

The Comeback City

…as intractable pathologies. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then New York senator, said at one public hearing on juvenile violence in 1993, “There is nothing you’ll do of any consequence, except start…

October 27, 2023

What liberals don’t understand about men and marriage

…of men who end up becoming fathers and forging day-in-day-out relationships with their children. Brad Wilcox, a professor of sociology at the University of Virginia and director of the National…

October 12, 2023

Blue States Are Getting More Federal Money Than They Should

The late New York senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan long complained — and commissioned data — about New York’s status as a “donor state,” for sending more in tax dollars to Washington…

October 11, 2023

The Social Workplace: Social Capital, Human Dignity, and Work in America, Volume II

A majority of American workers say that having the flexibility to balance their work and personal lives is one of most important or a very important consideration when choosing a…

October 2, 2023

Growing Up in Intact Families Matters More Than Ever

…with two parents made a bigger difference for Millennials than for Boomers. This new report co-authored by one of us (Wilcox) comes on the heels of an important new book…

September 27, 2023

The Good and Bad News About Boys and Men in Utah

Utah is doing exceptionally well on most metrics. The state is booming population-wise, with an almost 7 percent increase in population since 2018. Unemployment remains below the national average and the Beehive State’s economy…