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August 16, 2024

The Harris Campaign’s Foolish Down-Payment-Assistance Scheme

On the surface, Kamala Harris’s proposal to provide $25,000 in down-payment assistance to first-time homebuyers looks to be an incentive for upward mobility. Historically, homeownership has been the foundation for wealth creation for…

August 15, 2024

Women Want More Children Than They’re Having. America Can Do More to Help

national conversation, with good reason. The fertility rate has hit a record low in the United States, with the average American woman now expected to have just 1.6 births in her lifetime,…

August 6, 2024

Trump’s Tax Law Diminished Incentives for Charitable Giving, But We Can Fix It

…of medical research which the National Institutes for Health shies away from (think mRNA). Maintaining the charitable deduction and extending it to a wider economic range of taxpayers should be…

August 5, 2024

Are Opportunity Zones an Effective Place-Based Policy?

…that suffer from disadvantage and underinvestment, which, at least in theory, could bolster economic growth of the nation as a whole and reduce strain on public benefit programs. The breadth…

August 2, 2024

Democrats’ Automatic Stimulus Proposals Undermine the Administration’s “Strongest Economy” Claims

Today’s US jobs report finds the nation’s unemployment rate increased to 4.3 percent in July. According to a measure often cited by liberal policymakers, that suggests the US has entered…

August 1, 2024

Two Outrageous Bills Kamala Harris Sponsored Would Crush Taxpayers

…legislation would have doubled the federal budget, sending the current $35-trillion national debt soaring to well over $55 trillion, without even considering its grim inflation and interest rate implications. President…

July 29, 2024

The Rise of ‘Marriage Deserts’ and What We Can Do About Them

…neighborhood adjacent to Gottman’s Love Lab, the picture-perfect Laurelhurst community alongside Lake Washington in Seattle, has some of the strongest families in the nation, with nearly 90% headed by two…

July 29, 2024

The Real Impact of Zoning and Land Use Reforms Contrary to the Urban Institute’s Claims

…the available information (22%). In the remaining cases, the algorithm incorrectly classified the nature of the policy changes (8%), tagged unrelated articles (8%), or was based on op-eds (3%). This…

July 24, 2024

Housing and the American Worker

As the American Worker Project analysis shows, real wages have increased over time. Real wages are nominal wages corrected for changes in the price level, and a natural approach to understanding the…

July 23, 2024

How the 2017 Tax Law Made Itemized Charitable Giving a Luxury Good

…report uses national- and state-level IRS data from before and after the TCJA to review the combined impact on charitable giving of three policy changes: the increase in the standard…