February 6, 2025
Event Summary On February 6, Chris Karpowitz and Jeremy Pope of the Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy presented research findings from the 10th annual American Family Survey. Dr. Karpowitz examined how families across the political spectrum behave in similar manners. Whether Democrat or Republican, parents take pride in raising children. The survey…
December 9, 2024
Event Summary On December 9, AEI hosted an event exploring innovative treatments for parental addiction, particularly within the child welfare system. Allegheny County Department of Human Services’ Alex Jutca presented on child welfare practice regarding parents with substance use disorder (SUD) in Allegheny County, where the majority of investigations and the eventual removal of children…
September 11, 2024
Event Summary On September 11, AEI’s Scott Winship gathered distinguished experts to launch the new edited volume Doing Right by Kids: Leveraging Social Capital and Innovation to Increase Opportunity, a call to increase opportunity and upward mobility for children from poor families. The first panel focused on the importance of place. Panelists discussed how to contextualize…
September 10, 2024
Event Summary On September 10, AEI’s Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility gathered leading experts to analyze the new poverty and economic numbers from the US Census Bureau for 2023. AEI’s Kevin Corinth began by summarizing the data’s main findings. Median household income rose, and the official poverty measure (OPM) showed that poverty declined while…
July 17, 2024
Event Summary On July 17, AEI’s Nat Malkus was joined by Education Trust’s Denise Forte and Attendance Works’ Hedy Chang to discuss chronic absenteeism. Dr. Malkus presented chronic absenteeism data from his Return to Learn Tracker, then sat down for a fireside chat with Ms. Forte and Ms. Chang. They noted that chronic absenteeism is…
June 20, 2024
Event Summary On June 20, AEI’s Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility convened two panels to discuss the 60th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty. The first panel examined poverty measurement. Panelists agreed that the official poverty measure is outdated and should no longer be used by government agencies. David Johnson from…
May 9, 2024
Event Summary On May 9, AEI hosted a panel conversation with AEI’s Beth Akers and Michael Brickman, Karen McCarthy of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, and Mark Kantrowitz. As experts in higher education and finance, the group discussed why the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) needed to be simplified, the…
May 2, 2024
Every year, at least 2,000 children die of maltreatment. Many of the adults responsible for their deaths were known to child welfare services or law enforcement before the fatal incident occurred. Unfortunately, state governments fail to count many of these deaths or release information that would help determine their causes. Why is this? How can…
May 1, 2024
Higher education has a vital role to play when it comes to safeguarding the store of human knowledge, promoting scientific inquiry, and teaching wisdom to the next generation of civic and community leaders. But rising costs, bureaucratic bloat, double standards, and campus sloth have come to plague America’s colleges and erode Americans’ faith in them….