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AI and Jobs: Measuring Impact and Building New Assessment Tools

American Enterprise Institute

March 19, 2025

Event Summary

On March 19, AEI’s Brent Orrell and Shane Tews hosted a panel discussion featuring Alex Tamkin, an AI researcher at Anthropic, and Jason Owen-Smith, a sociologist at the University of Michigan, on how AI is shaping the labor market and workforce development policy. The conversation was moderated by Axios reporter Ashley Gold.

The discussion centered on Anthropic’s latest study on AI integration in the workplace, exploring emerging trends and their implications for the future of work. The panelists highlighted various tasks that employees are augmenting with AI, the challenges of identifying the skills most valuable for AI adoption, and the broader economic uncertainties tied to increased AI use. The event concluded with a Q&A session, in which panelists addressed the Anthropic report’s methodology and debated whether AI adoption enhances job satisfaction.

—Raphaël Colard

Event Description

AEI will host a briefing and conversation featuring Alex Tamkin, the lead author of Anthropic’s new study on how AI is being used in the workplace and what those use patterns might tell us about the future of work. He will be joined by Jason Owen-Smith of the University of Michigan’s Institute for Research on Innovation and Science. The conversation will focus on what we know about AI job and skill effects and strategies for creating “headlight” data that can tell us where we might be heading.

Event Materials

Alex Tamkin et al: Which Economic Tasks Are Performed with AI? Evidence from Millions of Claude Conversations

Event Transcript

Event Transcript


10:00 a.m.
Registration Opens

10:30 a.m.
Opening Remarks:
Alex Tamkin, Researcher, Anthropic

10:40 a.m.
Jason Owen-Smith, Professor, University of Michigan

10:50 a.m.
Panel Discussion

Brent Orrell, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
Jason Owen-Smith, Professor, University of Michigan
Alex Tamkin, Researcher, Anthropic
Shane Tews, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

Ashley Gold, Reporter, Axios

11:30 a.m.

12:00 p.m.

The Age of Uncertainty—and Opportunity: Work in the Age of AI
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Brent Orrell | Deseret News | February 11, 2025

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