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January 29, 2024
The Wyden-Smith proposed tax legislation would make four changes to the Child Tax Credit (CTC). First, it would increase the cap on the refundable portion of the CTC, eventually to the same…
October 5, 2023
American Compass has a new survey out in which it finds, among other results, that “only 40 percent of workers have secure jobs.” This is the latest attempt by the…
September 19, 2023
Senator and Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott (R-SC) released a new economic plan this week. The plan addresses issues such as the national debt, federal spending, trade, and the economy. The plan…
May 4, 2023
…leaders nationwide. The American Dream Initiative includes: AEI’s new Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility, led by AEI scholars Scott Winship and Kevin Corinth. This center will serve as a hub of…