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December 11, 2024
Who are the victims when it comes to “deaths of despair”? Recent research has focused on the racial makeup of these tragedies — drug overdoses, alcohol-related deaths and suicides. According…
September 9, 2024
The chaos of summer is over. Kids have gone back to school. But fall brings a whole new set of challenges. We parents have spent the past few weeks creating complex…
March 4, 2024
“No one, it appears, was free to just parent as they wanted to parent—free of the web of social ties that both gave their lives meaning and set firm constraints…
September 18, 2023
A few years ago, Melissa S. Kearney got into a taxi cab and asked the driver about a photo of a young girl on his dashboard. The driver confirmed it…
July 17, 2023
“The shift among nonprofits and funders towards valuing lived experience has been a journey,” Anna Verghese, executive director of the Audacious Group, told the Chronicle of Philanthropy earlier this spring….
June 20, 2023
How much do we have in common with our children and grandchildren? Less than our parents had in common with us—or at least that’s the theory animating Jean M. Twenge’s…