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August 2, 2024

Democrats’ Automatic Stimulus Proposals Undermine the Administration’s “Strongest Economy” Claims

Today’s US jobs report finds the nation’s unemployment rate increased to 4.3 percent in July. According to a measure often cited by liberal policymakers, that suggests the US has entered…

July 17, 2024

Key Takeaways from a New Report on Potential Unemployment Insurance Reforms

Yesterday, the National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI) released the final report of its Unemployment Insurance (UI) Task Force, of which I am a member. The task force was created…

May 6, 2024

How Much Are You Willing to Spend on Student Loan Forgiveness?

…becomes taxes you paid, services you might have missed, or debt you will owe. No matter what, you have a share. But how big is your share? Let’s do the…

April 26, 2024

Washington, District of Benefit Cliffs

As the welfare state expands while policymakers struggle to contain its costs, one unintended result is the creation of significant benefit cliffs. A little-noticed September 2023 report authored by Elias Ilin and Alvaro Sanchez…

April 9, 2024

The Child Tax Credit: My Long-Read Q&A with Kevin Corinth

…get no matter what. So the Wyden-Smith bill does not go there, but it goes part of the way there and I think it sets up a negotiating position. If…

February 29, 2024

Recalling Pandemic Lessons on “Self-Certifying” Eligibility

Sometimes what is left unmentioned can be far more important than what is said. A good example is obscure guidance issued last week by the US Department of Labor (DOL) encouraging workforce…

February 22, 2024

A Slow Start for Skills-Based Hiring

…of measuring ability through credentials, examinations, recommendations, and interviews. In a new report, Matt Sigelman and Alex Martin of the Burning Glass Institute and AEI’s Joseph Fuller of Harvard Business School…

January 29, 2024

Per-Child Benefit in Wyden-Smith Child Tax Credit Bill Would Discourage Full-Time Work for Families with Multiple Children

…children. (In general, the phase-in rate would be 15 percent times the number of dependent children.) In a recent paper, we (with our coauthors Angela Rachidi and Matt Weidinger) provided the…

December 7, 2023

The White House Council of Economic Advisers Contradicts the President’s Poverty Talking Points

Before Thanksgiving, the White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) released a blog post titled “The Anti-Poverty and Income Boosting Impacts of the Enhanced CTC.” That’s a reference to the temporary—and now…

December 1, 2023

Making the Child Tax Credit “Fully Refundable” Converts It into Welfare Checks

In what is becoming an annual ritual, news accounts and DC sources suggest liberals’ end-of-year legislative wish list once again includes reviving the worst part of Democrats’ partisan 2021 child tax credit (CTC) expansion….